Vector #3
This is my lovely friend, also known as the model Assisted Suicide.
Just yell at me when you're bored of them.
Although I might swap 'shopping for knitting for a bit. My wrist hurts, and after reading the newsletter I've got a hankering for a Space Invaders dreadband (to keep my ears warm as a hat won't fit on my head)
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Mon 20 Nov 2006, 21:39,
Just yell at me when you're bored of them.
Although I might swap 'shopping for knitting for a bit. My wrist hurts, and after reading the newsletter I've got a hankering for a Space Invaders dreadband (to keep my ears warm as a hat won't fit on my head)
Which is the vector? The original or that one
(not badmouthing your work it's just she looks like a cartoon)
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Mon 20 Nov 2006, 21:40,
She has a very unique look,
but is still very pretty and lovely.
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Mon 20 Nov 2006, 21:41,
This has confused me.... she looks like a goth
but the shocking pink hair does not fit with the emo/goth "we are all going to die" theme.... enlightenment perlease?
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Mon 20 Nov 2006, 21:42,
Do you have to put people into little boxes?
LIEK ZOMG GOFFIK!!!!!?!?!?!1OWERWE0932421934!
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Mon 20 Nov 2006, 21:42,
Personally I prefer shrink-wrapping them.
And in most cases people put *themselves* in boxes by dressing so as to conform to a pre-existing subculture, rather than doing anything genuinely 'individual' or 'alternative'.
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Mon 20 Nov 2006, 21:46,
Don't get me wrong, I have nothing at all against pink hair. Dress how you like, it's none of my business.
But it's an extremely conventional way of being unconventional.
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Mon 20 Nov 2006, 21:51,
People who go out of their way to be 'freaks'
tend to be making up for the fact that they're deeply dull. Same with 'wacky' people. I call it the Colin Hunt effect.
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Mon 20 Nov 2006, 21:57,
I'm sure the vast majority are.
People might claim to be a bit 'mad' sometimes for effect, but having mental health issues is generally not a lot of fun.
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Mon 20 Nov 2006, 22:11,