Would that be
punes and custard
/pedant blog
/edit nighty night
Puromycin is still licking windows,
Tue 20 Feb 2007, 1:33,
that was a deliberate Pratchett reference and not a typo.
Pie of Meat ___°¬¯O¯____\o/_____/\_,____Y¯¯Y,
Tue 20 Feb 2007, 1:34,
ive only just got the whole
i cant believe its a green number 9 bin horse shit thing. its been buggin' me for days now!!!
Johno says the chances of anything coming from mars are a million to one But still they come on,
Tue 20 Feb 2007, 1:37,
I'm sorry
that it wasn't worth the effort :)
Pie of Meat ___°¬¯O¯____\o/_____/\_,____Y¯¯Y,
Tue 20 Feb 2007, 1:39,
I get it. *feels less thick now*
Vin diesel touches my tra la la shove a bastard in it,
Tue 20 Feb 2007, 2:00,
Deep fried in her fanny batter?
I'll take a double order thanks.
MarkyH feels like the H in Bob Hoskins' name,
Tue 20 Feb 2007, 1:47,
whipping up fanny batter
is one of my favorite pass times
Johno says the chances of anything coming from mars are a million to one But still they come on,
Tue 20 Feb 2007, 2:01,
*scratches head*
*fails to understand*
*feels stupid... cries*
chunderbunny lacking humus since,
Tue 20 Feb 2007, 1:45,
i am charles barkley, wait no.
I am not charles barkley. I am the president of the united startes. and I don't have to go to work today. it is presidernts day.
d d,
Tue 20 Feb 2007, 1:50,