I think pretty Polly used mens legs in an ad campaign
or on the packets or something. I could go off on one here about how modern society's been conditioned into deeming thinner and thinner women attractive until the only legs left to sell tights are stick thin, curveless male ones, but then who cares? Speaking as a rotund individual, I couldn't give a shit what society thinks of the junk in my trunk. If a man doesn't like it, he can find a lesser woman.
(Captain Wowcurrently being a cunt in Infamous,
Tue 2 Sep 2008, 14:10,
It's a bit sick really isn't it.
And does anybody *really* think these skinnies look good? Personally my taste is similary to Robert Crumb's. /married to a hockey player blog EDIT: 'similary'??
(RiffRafflurking like a lurky thing,
Tue 2 Sep 2008, 14:14,
HAHAHA Robert Crumb's a favourite of mine
because chunky, busty Jewish girls are definitely FTW.
(Captain Wowcurrently being a cunt in Infamous,
Tue 2 Sep 2008, 14:14,
I'm going to have more lemon and honey when I get home, with cayenne.
(Captain Wowcurrently being a cunt in Infamous,
Tue 2 Sep 2008, 14:21,
I am nice
I'm fucking wonderful... and I'm only pulling your plonker. Add cinnamon and nutmeg to the honey before you add the lemon juice (make sure you stir them in first to make a runny paste).
Also -- if your back/neck are still hurting next week I'm going to shout at you until you go and see a medical professional.
My back's been a pile of fail since mid-last week. Slept on the floor a for a couple of nights to try and help a little. Turns out it's really hard to sleep like that.
(Captain Wowcurrently being a cunt in Infamous,
Tue 2 Sep 2008, 14:22,
i hope your backs are better than the state mine was recently in
couldn't walk for 3 weeks cos them little bastards at L4 & L5 decided to gang up on me and slip out of line, nicely jamming my sciatic nerve in the process.
(coobeastieUsed to Be in Evil Gazebo,
Tue 2 Sep 2008, 14:24,
I have the remains of a burn on my stomach as well.
If you're going to cook in your pants and are using a pan that's come out of the oven, be fucking careful. As an added bonus, I headbutted the extractor hood as I recoiled.