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[challenge entry] Team Pirate! Because everyone loves a pirate, garrrh.

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From the Photoshop the US Election challenge. See all 478 entries (closed)

(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:50, archived)
i keep reading your name as Lego geek girl
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:51, archived)
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:52, archived)
# hahahahah
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:52, archived)
# You
are a fucking genius :)
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:52, archived)
# he certainly is
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:53, archived)
# stunning as ever. Love it.
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:52, archived)
# Do they have Black legos?
Can't ever remember any black ones, well not the standard bricks.
But it was a looooong time ago!!
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:54, archived)
# i had black lego
i remember it
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:56, archived)
# Yep
it's real.
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:58, archived)
# Certainly
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:57, archived)
# Must be just me then!

(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:58, archived)
# Were your parents racists?
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:58, archived)
# arf!
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:59, archived)
# Hahahahaha!
I just don't remember black standard bricks,the ones with 8 studs on.
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 23:00, archived)
# I'm not really sure to be honest.
Me and my brother mostly got castles and spaceships without many standard bricks.
And pirate ships, of course.
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 23:06, archived)
# When I were a nipper, it was town lego and space lego only.
Oh, and technic for the older boys.
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 23:15, archived)
# They started out with only yellow, blue and red
Then came white, and later gray and black. But this was already in the late 70's.
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 23:16, archived)
# genuine lol
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:54, archived)
# brilliant
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:55, archived)
# you must be craving a lego geek girl
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:52, archived)
# i wouldn't say no
*has lots of lego*
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:52, archived)
# you could build amusing structures and the little lego people could have adventures in them
then you could fuck I guess
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:54, archived)
# Allow me to introduce you to the concept
of the Lego condom.
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:57, archived)
# Ridged, for your laceration
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:57, archived)
# Lego my girl . . .
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:55, archived)
# I'm actually tempted
to change my name to Lego Geek Girl now
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:56, archived)
# We'll ask you some questions to verify your lego geekiness though
SNOT or classic studs?
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:59, archived)
# I wasn't allowed lego :(
My parents thought it wasn't girly enough :( Got lumbered with My Little Ponies. Totally pony.

(actually, I loved them, guilty laugh)
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 23:01, archived)
# I like that . . .
If somebody says "who was that" I would say "Lego Geek Girl"
And they would say "but I don't have her"
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 23:01, archived)
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 23:03, archived)
# I know I am!
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:58, archived)
# yeah, me too
*cries into nonexistent gin*

and I don't have any gin either!

(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 23:03, archived)
# i had a lego geek girl once
her hair was rubbish
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 23:00, archived)
# much cooler
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:53, archived)
# click for smaller?
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:53, archived)
# Yeah
that is pretty random...
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:54, archived)
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:57, archived)