I have just received the following cry for help
mate- could you probe B3ta about a nice blog/forum site package for toby and I to rent for this greenentrepreneurs site? some idea of costs and timescales would be really helpful but essentially the functionality would be fairly basic, it should just be easy to read and not be full of pop ups etc.
Anyone able to do this fancy making some money?
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 15:33,
mate- could you probe B3ta about a nice blog/forum site package for toby and I to rent for this greenentrepreneurs site? some idea of costs and timescales would be really helpful but essentially the functionality would be fairly basic, it should just be easy to read and not be full of pop ups etc.
Anyone able to do this fancy making some money?

I have a good contact. If it's that Happytoats guy again tell him to sod off:P
EDIT: If they're really good coders I may be willing to pay for their hosting if they'll code e3ta.com for me.
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 15:34,
EDIT: If they're really good coders I may be willing to pay for their hosting if they'll code e3ta.com for me.

can be found on a Dulux swatch.
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 15:36,

and when I said 'suspect', what I mean was 'know'. ;)
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 15:39,

And I really find it hard to take poly tic ends at their words. So I'll stick with my guns on that one.:P
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 15:46,

'green issues' is that it's de riguer right now to be seen to support it and that no amount of facts should get in the way of making money and kudos from it.
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 16:00,

coding a website? What do you need it to do? I bet you could manage the bulk of it by tweaking a template in Dreamweaver.
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 15:56,

but they should call it Grentrepeneurs!
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 15:35,

and pick a template then start blogging. No need for a coder and host fees.
Also tell him to stop admitting to knowing a guy named Toby.
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 15:55,
Also tell him to stop admitting to knowing a guy named Toby.

You do know it is practically considered a war crime not to animate this, don't you?

Also for a moment I thought I'd at long last got a working amiga version of Midnight Resistance, but yet again IT WON'T FUCKING LOAD!!!! ARRRRRRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!*claws out own urethra*

Hahaha, hiya Moley how are you me owd smasher?
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 15:35,