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# is big brother being axed??
ah no, it's only celeb big brother.. oh well

woo to the pic anyway!
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 10:25, archived)
# Didn't they axe it after the Goody incident though?
Yet it still came back.
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 10:26, archived)
# the problem, apparently
is Channel 4 get about 15% of their revenue from it. So it's a habit they can't kick, unfortunately.
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 10:27, archived)
# the celebs are now given exploding collars (as in Total Recall)
and one word off-message and it's kerblammo time

The others will have to clean up the mess, but they get to use the head as a football
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 10:28, archived)
# Now that, I'd watch
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 10:28, archived)
# ^
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 10:29, archived)
# they could also do it via public vote
they'd make a fortune
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 10:29, archived)
# Some form of lottery as well
winner gets to push the button.
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 10:33, archived)
# ooh!
It could be hosted by Cat Deely!
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 10:33, archived)
# Everything should be hosted by Cat Deely.
*Rubs thighs*
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 10:34, archived)
# Get off my thighs!
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 11:24, archived)
# can't...help...myself.... I've got to go into pedant mode:
exploding collars? that was Running Man.... Oh, and maybe Fortress, too
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 10:34, archived)
# I'm sure the idea's been in any number
of shit films...
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 10:35, archived)
# "Shit" films?
how dare you, heathen!
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 10:41, archived)
# was it?
was that the one with Michael Ironside?

It had Sharon Stone in it anyway.
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 10:36, archived)
# Total Recall didnt have exploding collars,
it did have an exploding anne diamond robotic head like this:

Click for bigger (30 kb)

Running Man had the prison at the beginning where they all have collars. "Chico, NOOOOOOO!!!"
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 10:38, archived)
# yes
Red Sonja

that's the one.

edit: Cor - images.google.co.uk/images?q=Red%20Sonja&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wi

haha - I used to fancy Anne Diamond back in the early 80s
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 10:40, archived)
# blimey! hell yeah!
red sonija, not Diamond, that is
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 10:56, archived)
# Battle Royale ftw!
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 10:37, archived)
# :D
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 10:38, archived)
# :)
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 10:41, archived)
# Ah! forgot about that....
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 10:39, archived)
# Yes
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 10:40, archived)
# Don't forget Battle Royale!
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 10:38, archived)
# ....anyone seen BR2?
I get the feeling it will be crap, so I've avoided it...
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 10:40, archived)
# it is not as good as the first one
... that's all I'll say on it.
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 10:42, archived)
# hmmmm... I might pick it up this weekend anyway.
I know I'll regret it somehow
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 10:44, archived)
# It's definately not as good as the first
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 10:47, archived)
# Yes.
Watch it, it's shit, yet funny.
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 10:54, archived)
# Wedlock
best exploding collar film ever
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 10:44, archived)