Acutally, I saw a documentary about glue last week, stating there actually is a sort of medical super glue used on battlefields. Were they wrong?
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Mon 10 Aug 2009, 13:27,
Acutally, I saw a documentary about glue last week, stating there actually is a sort of medical super glue used on battlefields. Were they wrong?
It is used on battlefields for wounds
but lots of people believe that it was invented in WWII for that purpose and that's not true - it was discovered by accident by researchers trying to make extra-transparent lenses for sniper rifles during the war. I'm not quite sure how they got it so wrong. It's a bit like trying to invent a wheel and discovering bricks by accident.
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Mon 10 Aug 2009, 13:32,
I always thought it was made for medics in vietnam because stitching was time consuming :)
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Mon 10 Aug 2009, 13:37,
Ah, that was about what they wrre saying.
I thought you meant the existence of glue to treat battle wounds was all a myth
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Mon 10 Aug 2009, 13:44,
It bloody well works too
I superglued my finger closed the other day, although tricky to keep it closed while it dries without superglueing your other fingers to it as well.
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Mon 10 Aug 2009, 15:44,
I'm pretty sure that it is used in hospitals too sometimes for certain things?
I may be making that up though....
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Mon 10 Aug 2009, 13:35,
Christ Gail Porter still gives me TRFH!
Even now she is bald....
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Mon 10 Aug 2009, 13:31,
I've not used copydex in YEARS... All I can remember is that is smelt horrible...
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Mon 10 Aug 2009, 13:33,
But you could make little rubber balls from it.
I think far more copydex was spread onto hands then peeled off than was ever actually used for sticking things.
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Mon 10 Aug 2009, 13:39,