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he's a bit of a cock..he deserves it.
me and stan on the other hand are like well saint like, innit
KittyVomit more super than a can of Tennants ,
Mon 24 Aug 2009, 12:19,
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He's always bullying me
Telling me to man up etc :(
Maximinimus you stick around I'll make it worth your while ,
Mon 24 Aug 2009, 12:21,
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That'll be just board banter
He's really quite lully,however that kitty woman.....
Mstandot I suppose I should post more often. ,
Mon 24 Aug 2009, 12:25,
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The b3tans I've met aren't like they are online
I find it most confuzzling.
Maximinimus you stick around I'll make it worth your while ,
Mon 24 Aug 2009, 12:26,
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Sorry if I have upset you :(
No offence meant, forum banter, great times.
Redsushi! Whoop! Whoop! Yes, that one! ,
Mon 24 Aug 2009, 12:28,
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I was terribly upset
Nothing that 10 years of therapy won't cure :(
Maximinimus you stick around I'll make it worth your while ,
Mon 24 Aug 2009, 12:32,
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Oh man up you tart ;)
/ac ;D
Redsushi! Whoop! Whoop! Yes, that one! ,
Mon 24 Aug 2009, 12:34,
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Haha well played
Maximinimus you stick around I'll make it worth your while ,
Mon 24 Aug 2009, 12:34,
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You should try staying with him for a few days!!!
I need to buy a gun and one bullet......and a cyanide pill,cos I may miss.
Mstandot I suppose I should post more often. ,
Mon 24 Aug 2009, 12:35,
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Thats because the internet isn't real
We are all alter egos.......Ego being the key word
Mstandot I suppose I should post more often. ,
Mon 24 Aug 2009, 12:28,
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We're like superheroes
Of the internet
Maximinimus you stick around I'll make it worth your while ,
Mon 24 Aug 2009, 12:33,
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I am the saviour of drunken hungry people who still have clean underwear.
k3b/-\b Peace man. ,
Mon 24 Aug 2009, 12:34,
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saviour savourer
CanonCaliber A big bore ,
Mon 24 Aug 2009, 12:39,
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From what I hear Redsushi is like the glass man from unbreakable
Always in hospital with broken X, Y and of course Z
Maximinimus you stick around I'll make it worth your while ,
Mon 24 Aug 2009, 12:39,
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Oh no wait. No I'm not :(
Redsushi! Whoop! Whoop! Yes, that one! ,
Mon 24 Aug 2009, 12:44,
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I was there when redsushi broke his penis. He'd had half a pint of bitter
and got a boner. On his way to the bathroom to have a toss he tripped and snapped his nob in half. There was blood everywhere and he needed a pin inserted in it.
k3b/-\b Peace man. ,
Mon 24 Aug 2009, 12:46,
archived )
Maximinimus you stick around I'll make it worth your while ,
Mon 24 Aug 2009, 12:46,
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Nah, the pin was purely for pleasure purposes.
Redsushi! Whoop! Whoop! Yes, that one! ,
Mon 24 Aug 2009, 12:51,
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Ooo Err
Some say he is a walking accident and that he has a robotic hand... All we know is, he's called sushi.
Maximinimus you stick around I'll make it worth your while ,
Mon 24 Aug 2009, 12:53,
archived )
he had a little accident?
k3b/-\b Peace man. ,
Mon 24 Aug 2009, 13:00,
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