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# Cats Strike Back.

July 19 — An elderly Canadian man was said to be recovering following a savage attack by his pet cat, which drew four carloads of police, two ambulances and an animal control officer.

The National Post newspaper said Gerard Daigle, 80, lost a pint of blood and required stitches after his cat Touti, a diminutive roughly meaning Tiny, launched a frenzied attack after Daigle, who was apparently giving his pet parrot a shower, inadvertently sprayed the cat with water.

Daigle, who lives in Trois-Rivieres, Quebec, halfway between Montreal and Quebec City, could not be reached for comment on Thursday. The newspaper said he was saved by his 81-year-old wife who wrestled the cat away, only to have it turn on her.

"The cat wanted to eat her, too," the paper quoted Daigle as saying.

The couple managed to chase the cat into the bedroom and slam the door. Police responded in force because they thought they were dealing with a domestic emergency.

It is not known why Daigle was giving his parrot a shower.

taken from
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 14:57, archived)
# purrrrrrrr...........
that's got me so hot...

think i better head on over to www.livenudecats.com and i think you all should as well.
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 15:10, archived)
# Ding dong
Fine feline antics! Woof woof . . . erm . . .
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 19:38, archived)
# Frightening
I am heartened and frightened to see this thing surviving. I must increase my crab awareness, and I will do this by fleeing for the time being.
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 13:50, archived)
# b3ta. est 1892
survive? we invented the internet using long bits of string and tin cans.
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 13:55, archived)
# b3ta 11 should be...

an inter-species love special!

(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 12:02, archived)
# dog with lady
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 12:29, archived)
# of course my interest in this is purely academic...

err... bugger
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 14:54, archived)
# bless
(, Tue 25 Sep 2001, 5:03, archived)
# Wow,
that's Joanna Lumely - cool! Got any Debiee Magee?
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 15:20, archived)
# grrr

god knows
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 11:34, archived)
# some good news
at last from the bbc
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 8:27, archived)
# b3ta newsletter 11: what should it be about?
so far, we've covered cats, web celebrities, and rabbits. what subject should we tackle on next friday?

(BTW: one idea I had was "10 best net pranks...")
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 8:00, archived)
# Stuff that is too near to something else
Like newsreaders that are seated too near to one another so they fit on the screen, I can't be doing with that.

No, no, stuff that is way too big like that cat, that'll do.
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 8:35, archived)
# like the pyramids
on the national geographic cover that were too far apart, so they photoshopped them in a bit? And you thought you could trust the NG.
Yes you did. Admit it.
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 8:40, archived)
# with the war theme of recent days
How about hate sites. I don't mean 5 lines about why Jamie Theakstons a twat - I mean people who've set up whole web sites to inform us of this and study why.
Who are the most unlikely dispised people on the web? What is the nastiest thing ever said about some ineffective star?
And to counterbalance that - pictures of celebs visiting sick children (strangely, whatever I search on google seems to bring up a picture of Beppe off eastenders with a dying child), fan pages for crap people like Stuart Big Brother, messages of love left for Celine Dion in a fan's guestbook *in case she reads it* etc..
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 8:38, archived)
# unusual hobbies
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 8:58, archived)
# recently
"she's been casting new subjects, most of whom are female, including the two women in the Doll Rods and Stereolab's Laetitia Sadier."
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 9:04, archived)
# i remember an interview with her
where she said how Jimmy Hendrix enjoyed the exprience so much that he almost got stuck as he couldn't relax before the plaster dried. I assume thats what 'experience' he named his band after.
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 9:30, archived)
# Citrus Fruit
I'm working on a project with a lot of citrus fruit in it. Maybe you could pre-hype by creating a buzz around the citrus fruit thing then my thing will be really NOW when its done.

The king of citrus fruit has to be the Orange as it has part of the electromagnectic spectrum set aside for its own use. Also it tastes Orange, and it smells Orange and its about the size of an Orange. Oh god I've said too much.
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 9:22, archived)
# I'm orange
well, ginger - can I be in your project?
I also have orange juice for blood, obviously. And one of my legs is actually an orange straw.
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 9:27, archived)
# boards of canada
have a tune which is a man saying "orange" followed by kids laughing if you need a soundtrack for your project.
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 9:34, archived)
# Universal constant
Does he sound like he reveres Oranges, almost like they are some kind reference point in the universe, with out which reality might become un-tethered? That would be good.
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 10:55, archived)
# he sounds
like a priest.
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 11:26, archived)
# big stuff
I like big stuff.
Cheques, dinner, coctails, boobies err... better stop there. As my fragrant other may spot my post and remove oogling privileges.
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 9:36, archived)
# she makes big
coctails? She sounds grea...
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 9:43, archived)
# Careful...
or it's vesta meals for one for me at the weekend.
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 10:04, archived)
# Big stuff
Right with you on that. Absurdly big stuff has to be good, nobody can argue with that. What about when they make those really big pies/curries in marquees. Winner.
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 10:01, archived)
# I always wonders what happens
to the grub when thay make world record stuff. It must be hard distributing 20 tonnes of banoffe pie to old dears before it all goes off..
"Sorry Love, have you got any jam roly poly? Banana's give me wind dear" etc etc.
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 10:09, archived)
# I think
they wheel up the giant cat who hovers the lot.
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 10:13, archived)
# Boilersuits
Well I like them...
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 9:44, archived)
# big slipknot
fan then?!
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 9:55, archived)
# Don't know
about that?
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 10:04, archived)
# you know
the bunch of 'heavy metal' idiots who are frightfully shocking. They all wear masks and boiler suitsBecause they're metal, like.
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 10:21, archived)
# Possibly
if you take away the masks, and the music there may be potential. What you really want in a boilersuit is someone who is is wearing it for a good reason - like tarmacing roads, or cleaning out sewers...
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 10:36, archived)
# what better excuse than
to post my slipknot picture

(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 10:40, archived)
# Just so
I can get the picture straight in my mind - do the zips open from either end?!?
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 10:49, archived)
# things that are the wrong size...
small things that are big and vice versa.

if anyone can get a genuine photo of the monster cat, with a midget i'll pay good money.

anyway whats the difference between dwarves and midgets?

dwarves are just a little bit magical... boom and indeed boom!
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 11:40, archived)
# These are extracts from actual letters
sent to various councils and These are extracts from actual letters sent to
various councils and housing associations throughout the UK.....

(sorry its a bit big but funny none the less - hal9000)

I want some repairs done to my cooker as it has backfired and burnt
my knob off.

I wish to complain that my father hurt his ankle very badly
when he put his foot in the hole in his back passage. and their 18 year old son
is continually banging his balls against my fence.

I wish to report that tiles are missing from the outside toilet roof. I think it was bad
wind the other night that blew them off.

My lavatory seat is cracked, where do I stand.

I am writing on behalf of my sink, which is coming away from the wall.

Will you please send someone to mend the garden path. My wife tripped
and fell on it yesterday and now she is pregnant. We are getting married in
September and we would like it in the garden before we move into the

I request permission to remove my drawers in the kitchen 50% of the walls
are damp, 50% have crumbling plaster and the rest are plain filthy.

I am still having problems with smoke in my new drawers.

The toilet is blocked and we cannot bath the children until it is cleared. Will you
please send a man to look at my water, it is a funny colour and not fit to drink.

Our lavatory seat is broken in half and is now in three pieces.

Would you please send a man to repair my spout. I am an old age pensioner
and need it badly.

I want to complain about the farmer across the road; every morning at 6am his
cock wakes me up and its now getting too much for me.

The man next door has a large erection in the back garden, which is
unsightly and dangerous.

Our kitchen floor is damp. We have two children and would like a third so please
send someone round to do something about it.

I am a single woman living in a downstairs flat and would you please
do something about the noise made by the man I have on top of me every night.

Please send a man with the right tool to finish the job and satisfy my wife.
I have had the clerk of the works down on the floor six times but I still have
no satisfaction.

This is to let you know that our lavatory seat is broken and we can't get BBC2.

My bush is really overgrown round the front and my back passage has
fungus growing in it.

He has this huge tool that vibrates the whole house and I just can't take it anymore.
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 7:57, archived)
# who ate all the b3ta kittens

he might be able to take on grotesque crustaceans, but i think this beast might be more of a match.
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 5:30, archived)
# oh my god!
however did THAT happen?
Umm... is that, like... real?
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 6:25, archived)
# the trick is...
he's really a very tiny man, who lives in a very tiny house.
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 6:37, archived)
# I want to go to his
tiny house and read his tiny books.
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 7:02, archived)
# i want to buy some tiny feet
oh i can...
www.babyhands.com/ products1.htm
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 7:56, archived)
# that is exceptionally
And the wedding hands rock my world too.
Going in the blog - thanks!
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 7:58, archived)
# Better Cat

Uber? Yes.
(, Sun 23 Sep 2001, 19:47, archived)
# errrrrrr.
(, Sun 23 Sep 2001, 19:48, archived)
# that is a truly fantastic cat
it should be a CD cover.
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 3:51, archived)
# is it in
a band then?
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 4:34, archived)
# I think
I've seen it in one of Michael Jackson's videos.
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 5:11, archived)
# Mouth mask adventure
Will i survive sleeping a whole night with a mouth mask, read the whole report in 8 hours, cause now im going in: hem.spray.se/nomis.amiga/
(, Sat 22 Sep 2001, 21:08, archived)
# i think Micheal J
sleeps wityh a mask on to stop his face falling off & slipping between the bed & the wall behind. It's an arse when you drop stuff there and it gets covered in dust. (Doesn't it?). So didn't you wake up & think you were suffocating?
Why not?
(, Sun 23 Sep 2001, 11:44, archived)
# The music for scared boy
What is the music for scared boy? (the music at the end and the russian music)
(, Sat 22 Sep 2001, 21:02, archived)
# I sent a mail askin Joel that, and got this in response, ty once again Joel ;)
For the Blode one ( www.rathergood.com/blode/ ) the music is taken
from 3 different mixes of a track
called "I can't stop raving" - look for dj liquid, dj spykez, Dune. You
should be able to find
them on audiogalaxy i would have thought.

And it's Rammstein for a bit, with Feuer Frei, while the hitler crab is

In Blode 2 ( www.rathergood.com/blode2/ ), it's Aphrodite - Bomber
mainly, with Jega- Intron.ix when the bad guys come in. The centipede song
is by me. At the end, if you can be bothered to watch it for another couple
of minutes, it goes into Jega - Pitbull which is a fantastic tune.

For the Frightened Boy one ( www.rathergood.com/vid/ ) The tunes
were: Cossack Patrol by Ivan Rebroff, Tanz Br Derchen by
Hyperactive and Version by DMX Krew.
(, Sat 22 Sep 2001, 21:10, archived)
# Yhea Baby
(, Sat 22 Sep 2001, 19:11, archived)
# LOL!
(, Sun 23 Sep 2001, 6:03, archived)
# he romanced them?
what - liked cooked them dinner and bought them flowers and stuff... charmer.
(, Sun 23 Sep 2001, 11:40, archived)
# Sit down faggots and peas
Can be had in Pontypridd's fine Victorian market. Oh yes, washed down with big mugs of tea. Tidy like aye. BTW this story is well old.
(, Sun 23 Sep 2001, 17:59, archived)
# Well Old.. Like your dad

Should do a wee dance on your heed.
(, Sun 23 Sep 2001, 18:45, archived)
# pontypridd
I have some nice train related photos taken in Ponty. But I wouldn't want to bore everyone by showing them off...
(, Mon 24 Sep 2001, 5:10, archived)
# Whos the Daddy now ??
(, Sat 22 Sep 2001, 19:05, archived)
# wait wait...
thats' the other cat, living INSIDE this one.
You can see that, for sure.
(, Sun 23 Sep 2001, 11:45, archived)
# Yeah
Evil kitten'll have both of you. He eats fluffy cats for breakfast.
(, Sun 23 Sep 2001, 13:45, archived)
# The Demented Cartoon Movie!
This is a cross between self-advertising and a cool thingy on the web. I made a 33-minute long Flash movie of dementedness called the Demented Cartoon Movie (and the load time is real small, too). It's like a cross between Monty Python cartoons and stick figure death animations:
(, Sat 22 Sep 2001, 16:44, archived)
# Song names
What are the songs in the games love bunny and ja da?
(, Sat 22 Sep 2001, 12:23, archived)
# christ, google image search is good...
(, Sat 22 Sep 2001, 8:12, archived)
# that said, i never want to see this again...
(, Sat 22 Sep 2001, 8:49, archived)
# UK special forces
ready for deployment
(, Fri 21 Sep 2001, 18:06, archived)
# Americans bring out new secret weapon

the stealth badger
(, Fri 21 Sep 2001, 18:09, archived)
# Bin Laden Secret Weapon
Hand to Hand combat..
our blighty boys better be prepared !!

(, Sat 22 Sep 2001, 18:55, archived)
# Thats Evil

The shaped killer guinea-pig !!!

(, Fri 21 Sep 2001, 13:19, archived)
# Yey for most South American rodents
Good call on the Guinea Pig. The board has been sadly lacking in South American Rodents of late. Plus its quite nuciform.
(, Fri 21 Sep 2001, 13:41, archived)
# food and alcohol
is where I'm at.
(, Fri 21 Sep 2001, 12:10, archived)
# Evil kitty is busy this weekend
Somewhere in the middle east
Evil wants You
Be nice peeps, my first photo fumblings
(, Fri 21 Sep 2001, 12:05, archived)
# your first?
but THAT is a thing of beauty.
(, Fri 21 Sep 2001, 12:07, archived)
# photoshop virgin
all fumble and spurt.
(, Fri 21 Sep 2001, 12:10, archived)

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