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Most active users this week on /talk/:

(Sorted by number of messages posted)

  Nick Number of Messages Random Quote
1 Smegg Wallace 51 51 "Let it all out m8."
2 MiseryCunt 50 50 "i'm trying to start a service where i pair talk..."
3 The Porcupine From Purgatory 44 44 "Hole Like A Hole"
4 Cheers 41 41 "Book burning thread"
5 Smash Monkey 2 40 40 "First day back in work for me"
6 Mr. Tea 39 39 "BRB KLAXXXXXXON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
7 Queef Smegwin 38 38 "Philip Gay Dick"
8 Two Hats 36 36 ""
9 Aardvark 31 31 "Sounds great, just don't pair me up with the sh..."
10 brb 29 29 "Time of day."
11 mofaha 27 27 "one thing at a time, it's still morning here"
12 garold 22 22 "Yep"
13 Invisible Wizard 20 20 "Smeggie"
14 Dave Trouser 20 20 "It's a belief system that attracts failures."
15 littlemix 14 14 "wasn't he married to Sarah Michelle Gellar?"
16 2 Can Chunder 12 12 "A Farewell To Arse"
17 ( * )( * ) 10 10 "He's 84"
18 broadsword 10 10 "Bit late to the party but happy candles sweetes..."
19 manolith 8 8 "happy national ben-der, more like"
20 Undulating Tentacles of Love 8 8 "I read the book and it was not bad"
21 HeyManPutEmOldThingsBack 7 7 "I think you're"
22 $$ 6 6 "sure, why not"
23 mr horrible 6 6 "Bollocks"
24 Planearm 5 5 "Back from seeing Mickey 17."
25 .Yeti. 5 5 ""
26 2 Can Chunder - Work account 4 4 "It's my rabbit's 10th birthday today! Happy Bir..."
27 mongychops 3 3 "Sweet b , x"
28 tangledupinblue 2 2 "fandabidozi"
29 djrich - Live from Houghton... 2 2 "Copy and paste then."
30 theniwokeup 1 1 "sequels?"

They posted less than 1 messages:
Brian Wanksmell (1) Sn0tters (1) (0) (0) (0) (0)
(0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0)
(0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0)
(0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0)
(0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0)
(0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0)
(0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0)
(0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0)
(0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0)
(0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0)

There were also 100,135 users who didn't post much...

Time of day stats

(Hours 0-6)
Early birds
(Hours 6-12)
Afternoon shift
(Hours 12-18)
Evening chatters
(Hours 18-24)
1 mofaha - 1
Undulating Tentacles of Love - 1
Undulating Tentacles of Love - 1
Undulating Tentacles of Love - 1
2 Two Hats - 1
Dave Trouser - 1
Dave Trouser - 1
Dave Trouser - 1
3 brb - 1
mofaha - 1
mofaha - 1
mofaha - 1
4 Queef Smegwin - 1
broadsword - 1
broadsword - 1
Sn0tters - 1
5 -
manolith - 1
manolith - 1
broadsword - 1
6 -
Mr. Tea - 1
Mr. Tea - 1
Mr. Tea - 1
7 -
mongychops - 1
djrich - Live from Houghton Regis - 1
mongychops - 1
8 -
Aardvark - 1
Aardvark - 1
Aardvark - 1
9 -
mr horrible - 1
theniwokeup - 1
mr horrible - 1
10 -
Invisible Wizard - 1
Invisible Wizard - 1
Invisible Wizard - 1