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» Aug 2007 «


Come for the Saturday or the Sunday or FUCKING BOTH

OK. By popular demand, we have decided on the date for the Summer Bash. Starting on the Saturday afternoon and throught to Sunday evening. It is the date we had previously posted for the rock festival we usually help run, but the cunts have shat on us this year and so we have resigned from the committee.

LIVE MUSIC - And maybe the appearence of a sleb or two.

There will be the usual copius quantities of booze and food, crash and camping space and yet another masterpiece to be tossed off in the studio.

We guarantee this will be the best one yet and maybe we may even invite the odd live band or two.

There will be displays from the Fen Underwater Basket Weaving Team* and the Over 80's All Cambridgeshire Nudist Trampomalinists**.

* & ** may not be true

There will prolly be a cake made by the Mrs and brekkies will be served on the Sunday morning. Lifts from and to Ely train station or from the bus stop. The phone numbers will be posted the day before as usual if you don't already have them. There is loads of parking spaces available and a completely revamped garden for even more camping spaces. The gazebo will be up and the bar-b-que lit. There is now lighting all the way to the top of the garden now where we have built a not very secret garden with a new pond, rockery and waterfall and stuff. It is verr pretty.

The new layout

The one on the right is crying because she has been touched on her special place. CHB Bash Industries Inc
can not be held responsible for special place touching at any of their bashs or events.

baldmonkey is wot dun this


And yes, I did spell ROUNDABOUT
wrong. Happy now?

(, Mon 16 Jul 2007, 19:47, Reply)
Hell yeah.

Note to self: don't drink awful rosé wine this time.

(, Mon 16 Jul 2007, 20:15, Reply)

I'm now not coming. Probably. Although you never know your luck, especially if you're all still there Sunday evening as it won't be far from my route...

(, Mon 13 Aug 2007, 23:37, Reply)
That's a shame.

We'll still be going on Sunday, in fact some people are staying over 2 nights so do call in if you are passing.

(, Tue 14 Aug 2007, 12:37, Reply)
Two nights you say?

This would make travelling back a whole lot easier. Would you mind awfully if I did that?

(, Tue 14 Aug 2007, 21:49, Reply)
No problem

We might be running out of booze a bit by then though.

(, Wed 15 Aug 2007, 10:21, Reply)

I shall bring cash to go and get some more.

(, Thu 16 Aug 2007, 21:55, Reply)
You knows it.

We need bedspaces please :)

(, Mon 16 Jul 2007, 20:15, Reply)

edit: SHITNUTS. I'm going to be in bangalore then (probably). This makes me go :(

(, Mon 16 Jul 2007, 20:18, Reply)

I can make it to this thing now! *signs up again*

(, Wed 1 Aug 2007, 8:04, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Aug 2007, 12:09, Reply)
Woo hoo yay, we're going to a bash


(, Mon 16 Jul 2007, 20:22, Reply)
I'd love to, but I will have my daughter,

& no money probably, since the weekend after that I will be down on't Isle of Wight.

(, Mon 16 Jul 2007, 20:24, Reply)
You'd be welcome to bring your daughter

We had a small kindergarten at the last one and they may well come again.
/edit We may not be having kiddies this time for various reasons.

(, Mon 16 Jul 2007, 21:15, Reply)
we will have to think about it - if you don't mind me bringing sarah

we will let you know a bit sooner - and about needing bedspaces...

(, Mon 16 Jul 2007, 21:19, Reply)
Of course we don't mind

Sarah's an honorary b3tan anyway.

(, Sun 22 Jul 2007, 10:15, Reply)
i believe mrs crazyjude won't be attending

but i still am. woo and yay. i would like bedspace thou. i may bring airbeds though

EDIT: oh i don't know if she's coming or not now - wait for further updates...

She can't come now - bugger

(, Mon 6 Aug 2007, 8:46, Reply)
I'd like to go to this.

I will have to check a few things first though.
Can I sleep on your wife? Or floor? Or sofa?

The petrol money for this is probably going to bankrupt me, so if you are willing to chip in and are between Portsmouth and CHB's bagsy one of the two spare seats in my car via GAZZERY. All seats now taken. Sorry, you fat fucks.

(, Tue 17 Jul 2007, 11:23, Reply)
No, yes or yes.

(, Tue 17 Jul 2007, 14:06, Reply)
I can do this.


(, Wed 18 Jul 2007, 21:56, Reply)
Petrol? Bankrupt?

What do you drive a Bugatti Veyron or summink?

(, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 9:19, Reply)
I've just spent all my money on knives for this.

I have nothing left for travel.

(, Wed 1 Aug 2007, 16:14, Reply)
I have spent all my knife and travel money on a stab vest

and will be having to share a lift with internerds

(, Tue 14 Aug 2007, 12:12, Reply)
I might not be able to come to this.

/Dave The Trucker

(, Tue 17 Jul 2007, 15:09, Reply)

i'm near Cambridge this weekend.

(, Tue 17 Jul 2007, 15:11, Reply)
Good grief.

For real or just a maybe?
And no, as I said in the Gaz, I'll not say who you are. I'll leave that as a surprise. Mind you, if you don't turn up I will hunt you down like a jungle rat and gut you with a pair of nail scissors :)

(, Wed 18 Jul 2007, 9:21, Reply)
I've said it before, and I'll say it again

I don't care who you are, as long as you bring some Gin. Me & Mrs HB prefer Bombay Sapphire, but Plymouth'll do. Just don't bring cooking Gin.

(, Wed 18 Jul 2007, 15:01, Reply)
We have gin you like....oh yes we do dutch red stuff

its the nice.

(, Thu 19 Jul 2007, 10:48, Reply)
Have I ever told you that I love you?

(, Thu 19 Jul 2007, 12:09, Reply)
I'll try to put in an appearance at one of the days.

Depends totally on money and availability of crash space though.

(, Thu 19 Jul 2007, 9:26, Reply)
I've decided I'm just going to not sleep.

(, Mon 30 Jul 2007, 11:48, Reply)
There will be crash space.

Indoors, in studio or in one of the two tents that I'll be putting up. Make sure you bring a sleeping bag.

(, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 21:17, Reply)
Could we please have some camping space please...

as I wish to have a 2nd try at setting up the tent we have...this time sober !

(, Thu 19 Jul 2007, 10:47, Reply)
plenty of crash space - bring a bag

or camping - bring a tent

(, Thu 19 Jul 2007, 18:01, Reply)
Im going to be in a village called Histon on this day.

I see on the map it is not far so I shall pop in for a while. I'm curious to see who you lot are in real life. I do hope Bud Muckmouth isn't coming. I don't think I want to meet him. So you and baldmonkey know who I am. No problem all will be revealed I guess. See you on the 18th.

(, Fri 20 Jul 2007, 15:21, Reply)
Are you a animal, mineral or vegetable ?

(, Mon 23 Jul 2007, 7:23, Reply)
I suspect we will find out

(, Tue 14 Aug 2007, 21:50, Reply)
Fucking BASH!

(, Fri 20 Jul 2007, 22:51, Reply)
too right, I'd be mad to miss this

(, Sat 21 Jul 2007, 7:39, Reply)
But you are mad

(, Mon 23 Jul 2007, 7:22, Reply)
Oh no. Not you again. No offence like but..

Only joking Mr Moo. Have a WOO! just for YOU!
(, Tue 24 Jul 2007, 12:13, Reply)
After this wonderful depiction I'm afraid your actual manor is going to be nowt but disappointment.

(, Tue 24 Jul 2007, 18:27, Reply)
It is to us.

(, Fri 27 Jul 2007, 22:30, Reply)
I very much hope to make it this time.

(, Sun 22 Jul 2007, 23:33, Reply)
We very much hope so too.

(, Mon 23 Jul 2007, 12:25, Reply)


What is there in the way of accomodation? Is there lots of crashspace, beds, or will I have to dust off my brothel-tent?

(, Mon 23 Jul 2007, 9:38, Reply)
Loads of crash space in the house, studio and garden

I'll put up a couple of tents as well but we haven't run out of sleep space yet.

(, Mon 23 Jul 2007, 12:28, Reply)
Brothel-tent eh?

(, Tue 24 Jul 2007, 0:17, Reply)
It's a living

(, Tue 24 Jul 2007, 12:17, Reply)


Ely is surprisingly accessable from Manchester, may be I will go...

(, Mon 23 Jul 2007, 12:00, Reply)
Ely's in the middle of nowhere but it is surprisingly well connected.

CHB does taxi runs to the station to collect and drop people off as he doesn't drink. I on the other hand......

(, Mon 23 Jul 2007, 12:30, Reply)
Scare people off with your country ways.

(, Tue 24 Jul 2007, 7:38, Reply)
Oooh Arrrrrr !

(, Tue 24 Jul 2007, 12:16, Reply)

o r
(, Mon 30 Jul 2007, 15:43, Reply)
Brooza and I might come along

For some reason we think that we are already doing something that weekend but can't remember what..

(, Tue 24 Jul 2007, 0:20, Reply)
whatever it is , change it

this is too good to miss...even for sonic.

(, Tue 24 Jul 2007, 7:37, Reply)
You're right there

It will be my birthday too so there will have to be cake and stuff

(, Tue 24 Jul 2007, 15:09, Reply)
There is always cake

I've done arses, cocks and goatse cakes. Must be norks this time then.

(, Tue 24 Jul 2007, 23:15, Reply)
As long as we're not imposing ourselves

(, Wed 25 Jul 2007, 23:51, Reply)
I certainly plan on imposing you

(, Mon 13 Aug 2007, 14:08, Reply)

(, Wed 25 Jul 2007, 15:20, Reply)
Well, I'm signed up

I'll probably not remember what we're supposed to be doing until the week after anyway

(, Thu 26 Jul 2007, 18:53, Reply)

It'll be lovely to meet you.

(, Fri 27 Jul 2007, 22:27, Reply)
Well he is very lovely

And so are you, so there will be a lovely asplosion and we will have to drink to calm ourselves

(, Sun 29 Jul 2007, 22:42, Reply)
Guess I will be on the two pints

And a cup of tea system again. My mates think I'm mad... I think it works perfectly.

(, Mon 30 Jul 2007, 18:11, Reply)
I actually just became so excited about this bash

That a little wee came out

(, Sun 29 Jul 2007, 22:46, Reply)
Jimmy Crankie ?

(, Thu 2 Aug 2007, 10:04, Reply)
As if I'd miss this

Mind if I bring my tent again?

(, Thu 26 Jul 2007, 21:28, Reply)
Of course you can

Want to book a pitch in advance? You must know the layout by now.

(, Fri 27 Jul 2007, 22:29, Reply)
I would like to book a pitch too for brooza and I

(, Sun 29 Jul 2007, 13:16, Reply)
Same goes for you, you know the layout

I'll be putting my two 2 person tents up so let me know where to leave for you. Depending on the weather I probably won't bother with the gazebo this time as it takes up too much camping space.

(, Mon 30 Jul 2007, 15:47, Reply)
I just put my tent under it when the time came

It's a two person tent that we have so wherever you think really.

(, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 0:37, Reply)
Yes, I would love to

And also make sure I get my umbrella back at some point, mainly by dint of not letting Natalie nick off with it. Again.

(, Sun 29 Jul 2007, 17:41, Reply)

(, Sun 29 Jul 2007, 21:07, Reply)
Yes, you madam.

(, Mon 30 Jul 2007, 17:55, Reply)
I'd better start looking for it now then.......

/edit - Found it!

(, Mon 30 Jul 2007, 15:44, Reply)
Excellent- could you do me a favour

And only pass it on when I head off, I don't trust Nats not to nick off with it again!

(, Mon 13 Aug 2007, 23:06, Reply)
Will do

(, Tue 14 Aug 2007, 12:42, Reply)
I'll look after it for you

(, Wed 15 Aug 2007, 16:34, Reply)
Fantastic news...

gonna be a laugh.

(, Sun 29 Jul 2007, 21:33, Reply)
i will endavour to pop dahn on the sunday

i'd come on saturday, but i'm worried baldmonkey will steal my arse in the night...

(, Sun 29 Jul 2007, 11:01, Reply)
You should be fairly safe

He's got an awful lot to get through.

(, Mon 30 Jul 2007, 15:47, Reply)
true, true,

i forgot how cavernous piston is. :P

(, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 19:12, Reply)
Tent space?

(, Mon 30 Jul 2007, 18:51, Reply)
This is the gaz I've sent out to people who have asked:

We have a double futon in the living room that WW and Badger have booked as they usually have that. We also have 3 x small single sofas, 2-3 single mattresses, 2 x single blow up mattresses and one double blow up mattress. We can get 6 people in the living room, 1-2 in the dining room, 2-3 in the conservatory, 2-3 in the studio and 2 in the drum room. We can get up to 6 tents in the garden and I have two that I usually put up in advance. If you have one that you can easily bring, please do but it's probably more important to bring sleeping bags.

(, Mon 30 Jul 2007, 22:52, Reply)
Touch my gentlemans's area

(, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 9:07, Reply)
That would be the vegetable garden.

(, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 11:16, Reply)
I will have to check out the travel arangements

as well as the costs.

[x] tent
[x] sleeping bag
[x] car
[ ] money

(, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 9:37, Reply)
It'll only cost you travel expenses

and possibly a bottle of (insert alcoholic drink here) all food is provided.

(, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 11:18, Reply)

I'll bring beer and a bottle of cheap spirits and maybe some mixers.
will you have loadsa ice?

I have my tent sorted, can I have space for one dwarf please?

(, Thu 2 Aug 2007, 11:26, Reply)
Would it be okay if I just turned up for the Sunday afternoon?

If it is, then count me in.

(, Mon 30 Jul 2007, 19:09, Reply)
Of course you can

We'll be very pleased to see you.

(, Mon 30 Jul 2007, 22:50, Reply)

Hurrah! *books train tickets*

(, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 8:50, Reply)
I'm going to have to drop out, but I do have a bloody good reason

My bloke is being sent home from active duty in Iraq on Tuesday because he had to have an emergency operation on his back.

Guess I'll have to come next year! Sorry!

(, Sat 4 Aug 2007, 15:34, Reply)
Reasonable excuse I suppose.

We normally have one around Christmas too. I hope he's OK - but not so OK that they send him back!

(, Sat 4 Aug 2007, 15:48, Reply)
*some crass joke about him coming back for more active duty*

(, Mon 6 Aug 2007, 12:05, Reply)
Or while under the surgeons knife, the surgeon could stick his hand up his back, sit him on his knee and say `gottle og geer`

(, Mon 6 Aug 2007, 20:06, Reply)

(, Mon 13 Aug 2007, 23:35, Reply)
this sounds ace

(, Sun 12 Aug 2007, 18:54, Reply)
it is...

the hoodbutters bashes are ones not to miss.

(, Sun 12 Aug 2007, 19:31, Reply)
We've just organised a live band as well.

Kyrb Grinder are playing down the road and they've agreed to pop in for a while on Saturday to play for us. They are a signed band and normally headline at festivals so you are in for a treat. Check their myspazz for music.

(, Mon 13 Aug 2007, 11:02, Reply)
Kyrbgrinder are playing


(, Mon 13 Aug 2007, 23:07, Reply)
This is brilliant news...

we were both really impressed by the video you showed us last time and cannot wait to hear them live.

(, Tue 14 Aug 2007, 12:05, Reply)
They really are brilliant live

Lovely in person, too.

(, Tue 14 Aug 2007, 21:47, Reply)
What this page needs is more poorly constructed images and adults acting like they're going to a child's birthday party.

(, Tue 14 Aug 2007, 9:11, Reply)


You do realise that you look like a particularly stroppy teenager by posting comments like this on events that you profess not to want to attend don't you?

(, Tue 14 Aug 2007, 10:35, Reply)
You do realise you look like a stroppy teenager by posting comments directly after telling someone you've ignored them, don't you?

(, Fri 17 Aug 2007, 12:46, Reply)
Just fuck off Bud.

I don't know what all this aggression towards us is all about and frankly I don't care. You have never met either of us so your opinions of us is unfounded and you are only a bunch of rude, self opinionated, pixels on a talk board and I can live happier without having to see them. I didn't want to put anyone on ignore, but you have been for some time. No answer needed, I can't see it anyway.

(, Wed 15 Aug 2007, 10:39, Reply)

I wasn't even having a go at you two, you stroppy twats.

I was having a go at your images and everyone else acting like they're lining up for hedgehog cake at little Kevin's 5th.

(, Fri 17 Aug 2007, 12:34, Reply)
If my car passes its MOT

I'm there!

(, Wed 15 Aug 2007, 1:25, Reply)
Woo hoo

Fingers crossed. If it doesn't, come by train. We're doing regular pick-ups from Ely station.

(, Wed 15 Aug 2007, 10:24, Reply)
i came by train once...

I really should feel sorry for the person who used the toilet after me.

(, Wed 15 Aug 2007, 17:38, Reply)
May I book tent space, pretty please?

(, Wed 15 Aug 2007, 22:32, Reply)
Of course you can

No problem.

(, Thu 16 Aug 2007, 14:07, Reply)

Prepare for an Irish invasion. FUCK YEAH.

(, Thu 16 Aug 2007, 23:20, Reply)
Bollocks to it

The fella is well enough to go to V festival, so I'm COMING TO MEET FOLK OFF THE INTERNET!


If it's still okay for me to turn up Sunday around midday?

(, Fri 17 Aug 2007, 2:06, Reply)
Folk off the internet!!

thats a bit rude.

(, Fri 17 Aug 2007, 8:16, Reply)

(, Fri 17 Aug 2007, 12:20, Reply)

Oh, the touchings!

(, Fri 17 Aug 2007, 18:22, Reply)
*inappropriately touches the hell out of you*

Woohoooo :)

(, Sat 18 Aug 2007, 12:11, Reply)
Of course it is

We'll be very pleased to see you.

(, Fri 17 Aug 2007, 19:00, Reply)

Marvellous! :)

(, Sat 18 Aug 2007, 12:12, Reply)
Any room for a lurker?

(, Fri 17 Aug 2007, 13:50, Reply)

(, Fri 17 Aug 2007, 16:23, Reply)
Now if thats not confusing...I have no idea what is.

(, Fri 17 Aug 2007, 16:43, Reply)
The more the merrier

whoever you are.

As long as you aren't one of Bud's doppelganger accounts

(, Fri 17 Aug 2007, 19:01, Reply)

» Aug 2007 «