Following "Soc.Media Rhapsody" and "Twittering Heights", here's another social profile lyrical punfest. This Dylan track seemed an ideal challenge. Having spanked the search function on LinkedIn and Twitter for our last two vids, we thought Facebook might be feeling left out. YouTube's autoscanning copyright Nazibot banned this as soon as we uploaded it, but I managed to get it up on Vimeo after a 'fair use' appeal.
( , Wed 17 Jun 2015, 21:32, Reply)

thought this was good the first time, but had a sort of seen it once, seen it all attitude, then i did a real life lol at "35 :D
( , Wed 17 Jun 2015, 21:49, Reply)

( , Thu 18 Jun 2015, 10:50, Reply)

Ha! There was no Mal Forgan or Mal Fulgham, so we thought we'd leave it a bit cryptic. :)
( , Thu 18 Jun 2015, 19:58, Reply)

We are a collective punhive. And 'autocomplete' search suggestions help a lot too. :)
( , Wed 17 Jun 2015, 23:25, Reply)

Made this years ago to make it stop going round and round my head. Worked, until today.
( , Thu 18 Jun 2015, 1:11, Reply)

Ha! Nice. I did a very similar 'pictorial' accompaniment vid on here under a different username yonks ago too - not to Dylan, but to a track I wrote called "I Fuckin' Ate [sic] Lord of The Rings". All I remember about it was that the image I used to accompany the word 'ring' was a split-second flash of goatse.
( , Sun 21 Jun 2015, 21:05, Reply)