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This is a link post Moving To Canada I made this!
A quick song in which I compile the efforts of some clever, clever Americans to leave their country after the legalisation of equal marriage rights.
(, Thu 2 Jul 2015, 23:22, , Reply)
This is a normal post I'm sure they won't be going to canada
I mean, there's free healthcare there, which, you know, is a terrible thing.
(, Fri 3 Jul 2015, 0:31, , Reply)
This is a normal post *swoons*

(, Fri 3 Jul 2015, 8:02, , Reply)
This is a normal post Has Tabs raped you yet?

(, Fri 3 Jul 2015, 9:39, , Reply)
This is a normal post He should be ok.
Beards are like kryptonite to Tabs.
(, Fri 3 Jul 2015, 17:05, , Reply)
This is a normal post Lovely gutiar playing :)
Keep up the good work.
(, Fri 3 Jul 2015, 22:31, , Reply)
This is a normal post Didn't bother.
Let's get a few things straight, as it were. Apart from what you've been told only aprox 1% of the population is homosexual. We're talking about an extreme minority here.

I've lived with homosexuals marring each other for decades. We do what we want when we want in this regard irrespective of State or Federal laws and have done so forever.

Equality in marriage is the exact thing we snubbed our noses at and said as a group, "No thank you. That is not for us." We rejected equal marriage so please I beg you knock it off with the sophistry. Your inherent sanctimony is being played like a banjo.

All four reliable liberal Supreme Court justices vote as thick and quite stupid bricks without a single discernible juristic nuance between them. Is that what you what? Justices who DON"T argue about finite details of precedent, the fine points of law and interpretation, is that what you want? The conservative justice show great differences in opinions even when they agree. We do not see this with the liberal justices.

Congress is supposed to behave as check to Executive power not enhance it, and the Courts are supposed to behave as check to both, not all three operation in unison. Never. And when it does then the nation is in serious trouble.

Seeking recognition from government for your marriage is the exact same thing as seeking validation from your dog.

And I realize the state licenses dogs too.

I had four dogs each in their time all champion stock and none of them ever had a State license. Far less will they be wearing a jangling little disc around their necks as if my dogs are state property. No. No license for dogs, no license for marriage, no need for liberal Supreme Court justices to forfeit their individual interpretations for the advancement of tyranny of minority.

Enjoy your video yourself. Enjoy your convivial bliss. Revel in your own sense of moral sanctimony. You forfeited more than you know for ridiculous bread and circuses. Again, we always could get married and have any legal protection we wanted. You're being played. I know the people playing you and it's why we don't speak.

One more thing, your southern redneck accent that I hear the beginning of is straight up bullshit. Let's understand history correctly, it is the Democrat party that is the party of slavey, Republicans invented because whigs wouldn't handle them, the party of Jim Crow, and the party of Lyndon Johnson who said outright with his handout type legislation he'll have niggers voting Democrat the next 200 years. Of course Democrats deny this and work overtime attempting to cover their own history. And the last election showed the entire South voting Republican for the first time since forever. So now they're all racists, the single arrow in the Democrat quiver.

And they still are the party of slavery. They'll have the entire blacks dependent on Washington, dependent on Party, that is, dependent on the Democrat plantation.

That's what I think of your asstastic video.
(, Sat 4 Jul 2015, 2:00, , Reply)
This is a normal post You're nice
I hope we become besties
(, Sat 4 Jul 2015, 9:54, , Reply)
This is a normal post This reads like you used
Burroughs' cut-up technique on a section of YouTube comments.
(, Sat 4 Jul 2015, 12:26, , Reply)