James Bond vs The Recession (Cassetteboy)I made this!
Well, I posted this on the mainboard cos it fits this week's challenge, but I think I should have put it here instead. So now I'm posting the same thing in two different places, is there no end to my incompetence?
(masakatsubest of all the burger meats, Thu 29 Apr 2010, 19:33,
flabberingly good
(Claws of DoomI am no longer infected, Thu 29 Apr 2010, 19:35,
Thats brilliant
You should rename it On Her Majesty's Civil Service. is a civil servant and is pissed off with the service not having any money and my colleagues being made redundant being described as "efficiency savings"
Ignore /board, we like keeping you to ourselves on /links anyway1
(t0riahas forgotten how this all works, Thu 29 Apr 2010, 19:45,
/links is your home. *clicks*
(redazrilI LIKE DRUGS!, Thu 29 Apr 2010, 20:08,
I like this.
I like this.
I like this.
I really rather like this.
(Coin Operated Boyis reading the new Bravissimo catalogue on, Thu 29 Apr 2010, 20:10,
You forgot to post it in the newsletter
Give it 24 hrs I'm sure it will post itself there too ;) There'a always /talk too
Excellent work
(Professor FnordRegius Professor of B3ta Chronology, Thu 29 Apr 2010, 20:55,