It's OK
If we hated you we'd let you know
(LordKeeps meaning to procrastinate., Mon 28 Nov 2011, 16:18,
You mean
I have permission to make it bigger again?
(Tarka_the_Frotter, Mon 28 Nov 2011, 16:18,
Yes, but make sure you put it on /talk, as they like that kind of game.
(BombayMickDogs are better than cats, Mon 28 Nov 2011, 16:22,
/talk scares me
I've never been in talk. They're rowdy in there. But I know enough to know you're trying to trick me. Naughty!
(Tarka_the_Frotter, Mon 28 Nov 2011, 16:31,
haha :-)
You've passed the test. Welcome to /links. McMookMac will give you a joining pack. Bready will polish your shoes.
(BombayMickDogs are better than cats, Mon 28 Nov 2011, 16:34,
I like this one.
Can we keep him?
(TheSundaeLunchI'm a fucking shrub, alright?, Mon 28 Nov 2011, 16:56,
Yes we can - it appears to work properly.
Edit: or did you mean me? *flutters eyelashes* No? Thought not :-(
(BombayMickDogs are better than cats, Mon 28 Nov 2011, 16:57,
everyone move up one...
(McMookMacCrush Proof, Mon 28 Nov 2011, 17:02,
You just sat on my sandwiches :-(
(BombayMickDogs are better than cats, Mon 28 Nov 2011, 17:03,
but they are warm now :)
(McMookMacCrush Proof, Mon 28 Nov 2011, 17:19,
Hold on - they didn't have mayo on them when I made them this morning...
(BombayMickDogs are better than cats, Mon 28 Nov 2011, 17:20,
Yeah, like if you'd posted a video of DanCow or something.
(BombayMickDogs are better than cats, Mon 28 Nov 2011, 16:19,
But which one is DanCow?
(UltimateMonkeyBan this sick filth!, Mon 28 Nov 2011, 16:52,
Screenshot of his facebook...
(McMookMacCrush Proof, Mon 28 Nov 2011, 17:15,
Edit: I love how no-one has 'liked' his video in that screen grab. Edit2: And I love how he has 1 friend :-) Edit3: And his employment bit - this picture is the gift that keeps on giving :-)
(BombayMickDogs are better than cats, Mon 28 Nov 2011, 17:18,
Yet but you going on about it ALL the time is a bit boring now,
it's like you're actually helping to promote his videos by going on about it ALL the time even in other threads.
(, Mon 28 Nov 2011, 18:08,
Ye gods
What a horrible thought.
I will stop banging on about him now. Will that do you?
(BombayMickDogs are better than cats, Mon 28 Nov 2011, 18:11,
Thats lovely thank you, because I don't like to even think of those videos.
arghh I just did!
(, Mon 28 Nov 2011, 18:14,
I love that guy!
(scoshipretending to diet since, Mon 28 Nov 2011, 17:43,
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