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This is a link post Looks like they picked a bad day to hold a Skinhead Reunion....
Poor poor sods - I feel sorry for Skin'eads

"Some of the skinheads were at pains to point out that they were anti-racist and had gathered to listen to ska music."

In the 60s they were skint mods, in the 70s they were dragged into the National Front, by the late 80s they all seemed to be Rent Boys ("it's not gay if you don't kiss").

I used to walk in fear of them back in the day, with all my goffy makeup etc. but now they make me laugh in a semi-sympathetic way.
(, Sun 5 Jun 2016, 14:37, , Reply)
This is a normal post Why do you say that they were dragged into the National Front?
Why the passive verb. You don't think they had a choice in it?
(, Sun 5 Jun 2016, 15:01, , Reply)
This is a normal post Nick Crane was the poster boy for the skinhead movement
He a ruthless street fighter and extremely racist and kicked seven kinds of shit out of Indians Packistani Gays immigrants and any one who wasn't a skinhead or who he just didn't like.
Bear in mind he was a very prominent skinhead who stood for all there belief's
And it turns out he was a massive two faced cnut when you realize his double life of being gay
(, Sun 5 Jun 2016, 15:46, , Reply)
This is a normal post I had this theory about Dennis The Menace being a closet homosexual.
70s and 80s Dennis, I mean. Not the shit one that kids these days have.
(, Sun 5 Jun 2016, 16:28, , Reply)
This is a normal post A Google of that story says
The Sun's classy outing headline was "Nazi Nick is a Panzi".
(, Sun 5 Jun 2016, 17:47, , Reply)
This is a normal post Fucking hell

(, Sun 5 Jun 2016, 18:18, , Reply)
This is a normal post Shades of Trevor.....

(, Sun 5 Jun 2016, 18:38, , Reply)
This is a normal post "I used to walk in front of them back in the day, with all my goffy makeup etc."
That's what I've read. o.o
(, Sun 5 Jun 2016, 15:37, , Reply)
This is a normal post same day as the Kemp Town Carnival
Maybe they were all Ross lookalikes
(, Sun 5 Jun 2016, 15:42, , Reply)
This is a normal post i know quite a few skinheads
but the ones i know are sharp original types definitely not racist, like their music and nice clobber, obsessed with clothes worse than the bloody mods.
(, Sun 5 Jun 2016, 20:27, , Reply)
This is a normal post I know this, you know this...
but to the rest of the world, they are all Trevor.

(, Mon 6 Jun 2016, 13:48, , Reply)