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This is a link post Ski jump POV
Jon Aaraas straps a camera to his bonce before hurtling down a hill.
(, Sat 12 Feb 2011, 21:36, , Reply)
This is a normal post
I always wondered what it would be like to do that.
(, Sat 12 Feb 2011, 21:46, , Reply)
This is a normal post that wasn't as scary as I though it would be.
...not that I'd ever try it :)
(, Sun 13 Feb 2011, 0:17, , Reply)
This is a normal post I was just
thinking that.....

I've gone all Ski Sunday but I had a brief "the-landing-looks-easier-than-I-thought" moment...

Then again, I'm finishing off this Elderberry Wine before I get evicted. Seriously. Only half a cellarful left....
(, Sun 13 Feb 2011, 2:48, , Reply)
This is a normal post ditto
but he could have done with having an angled cam on the helmet so we could watch the view on his way down, might have given a better impression of his speed as well
(, Sun 13 Feb 2011, 12:33, , Reply)
This is a normal post SHIT - - - - - THE - - - - -- BED!

(, Sun 13 Feb 2011, 3:40, , Reply)
This is a normal post *shits the bed*
I obey.
(, Sun 13 Feb 2011, 5:16, , Reply)
This is a normal post He seems to have lost his poles
That'll case some trouble at the hire shop...
(, Sun 13 Feb 2011, 11:22, , Reply)
This is a normal post How long before this gets overdubbed
With screaming, farting, and perhaps a little chunder at the end?
(, Sun 13 Feb 2011, 11:42, , Reply)
This is a normal post I´ve skied down a full length one once
It was the training one for the Aus ski team and it put me out over a lake rather than having to land it, which is the hardest skill. I shit myself the first run down nonetheless, particularly after I witnessed a guy come off on the way down before the ramp and injure himself quite badly. after a few jumps, it gets easier
(, Sun 13 Feb 2011, 14:09, , Reply)