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This is a link post The BBC Level Crossing Challenge
"You might think you can get away with it"

Is it just me or is the kind of attitude demonstrated in this report to rules made for your own safety the actual problem? I mean, if it wasn't for people saying stuff like,'You'll never get away with push-biking along the motorway fast-lane during rush hour!!' would idiots be tempted to try!?

Here's a plan, why not warn people 'YOU WILL LIKELY DIE FOR BEING A FUCKING MORON!' and leave them to make their choice?

Would we miss them?
(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 9:48, , Reply)
This is a normal post I like turtles.

(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 9:53, , Reply)
This is a normal post Darwinism mate...
...it's just natures way of imposing a cull on the retards. The solution, in my opinion, is to armour the front of the trains with ex-soviet missile train slow ploughs, and tell them not to stop for idiots
(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 9:57, , Reply)
This is a normal post they don't, they can't
with or without the snowploughs people get gibbed doing this.

My solution, those tyre poppers, make them come up at the other side so people going through ruin their tyres. That'll make them stop.
(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 10:43, , Reply)
This is a normal post Or
remove the gates and the lights and force people to look and more importantly think for themselves.
(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 10:51, , Reply)
This is a normal post or have the gates pop up from under the ground
forcing cars into the air. Like those retractable Bollards you get in town centers. You try and run through that you ruin your car.
(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 11:01, , Reply)
This is a normal post Bigger problem
Is the poor sod driving the train, if he and any passengers aren't hurt he's still got to live with having wiped out a family. Regardless of how stupid they may have been, thats not pleasant. Similar thing for suicides, a lot of drivers have had dreadful mental health problems because someone didn't even consider that.

Bit gloomy for a wednesday morning eh?
(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 10:02, , Reply)
This is a normal post An upsetting truth
Which is why trains need robotic drivers. Also, then I might be able to get out of London after 2am, but BEFORE 6.30. Stupid public transport!
(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 10:06, , Reply)
This is a normal post ^ This

(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 10:16, , Reply)
This is a normal post my cousins bloke is a train driver
he has hit 2 people, and had counselling etc... it totally screwed them
(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 14:41, , Reply)
This is a normal post The problem is that
psychologically, you know with a level crossing that it's probably going to close ages before the train arrives, so there's a belief - most likely unjustified - that you can get across before the train comes. People think it's just 'Health and Safety Gone Mad' to try and stop them.

This is why people ignore rules made for their own safety - they find them annoying and think they're probably overly strict.

They did a thing in South Korea where they put a countdown on the lights at the level crossing so you could see how long you had until the train was passed. Supposedly it worked fantastically because if you told people that there was a set time they were going to be stuck watching a train go past, they were much more likely to accept it and happily sit there rather than run the lights.

God, this is turning into my longest Links comment ever...
(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 10:25, , Reply)
This is a normal post That's a really good idea
I've certainly sat at level crossings for five minutes or more while the train utterly fails to appear.
(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 10:37, , Reply)
This is a normal post
Where I live in dublin, the lights stay red for AGES! For that reason, everyone jumps ALL of the lights. The local level crossing can be down for three trains (15 minutes one day I got stuck there).

The answer is a countdown on the lights (the pedestrians get them here... why not the cars?) and lights that stay red for shorter periods, so people aren't bothered and held up by a red light.

Another crossing nearby in Ashtown is manned by a guy in a porta-cabin... no one ever jumps that because the guy is sensible and lets cars through between trains. He also waves people through before he closes the gates. The result is, no one is bothered and no one disobeys his request to stop. Ever.

So... short answer to a long post... use people to control level crossings... it's safer and cheaper than paying for a twunt in a camera van sat there all day, or using hardcore surveillance... you have to have people monitoring that anyway!!
(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 14:05, , Reply)
This is a normal post ...There WAS a solution to this, (My continuing existence is testament to it) But for some reason namby-pamby modern culture has deemed it "unsuitable"
Waaay back in the mists of time (mid 80s) when I was but a little Chutney, what would have been just another grinding day of education in small Northumbrian County Primary School was suddenly broken by the announcement that we would have no lessons after lunch as we where going to be shown a FLIM! The frenzied discussion over our respective Lunchboxes A Team / M.A.S.K / Jumbo Jim (William was always an odd one..)focussed on what it might be? Starwars? Indiana jones? OR maybe another bloody showing of god-awful Bedknobs and Broomsticks....

Time told, and when we filed into the dark assembly hall and sat on the floor, a stange bespectacled man in a bad fitting suit was introduced to us as "A man from British Rail" who wants to show you a film, okkkaaaaay we thought, not-great but still better than English and Maths.

Anyway I dimly recall him giving some now forgotten talk and then the film started, It opened with a slighty scratched and faded cine style footage of Two Young scamps in rather 70s flared denim dungarees larking round on a railway track, with some droning monotone voice over talking about how much they are enjoying themselves, BUT DEATH IS ON THE TRACKS! *SUDDEN SOUND OF TRAIN HORN* Cut to close-up shocked faces of said lads then BANG! what we little band of brothers *and sisters* saw in the next 20 minutes would not be equalled till those of us who felt inclined to watch the SAW films 20 summat years later.

I swear it included awfull early 80s police footage of train related deaths and the after effects, including men with bags picking what seemed to be "mince" from between the tracks, I'm sure also real black and white police forensic scene photos. A photo that sticks in my mind was of the upper part of someone lying off to the side of a grass track sans legs....

The audience must have looked like...
0_0 0_0 0_0 0_0 0_0 0_0 0_0 0_0
Row upon row of tiny white traumatised faces, and total silence... (apart from William who I think threw up over the girl in front of him)
The man left, we filed back out into the playground and not a word was ever spoken of it ever again.

But fuck me did it ever do the trick, always been dread feared of railway lines ever since. It's come up in conversation with the few old school mates I still see from time to time, but oddly no one in subsequent years ever can recall it being shown again, was it a one off? Where we part of some Thatcher goverment social experiment? Was it all a frenzied collective nightmare brought on by too many umbongo and space raider sessions?

who knows Unless anyone ELSE had this experience then please do speak up

(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 10:28, , Reply)
This is a normal post Wow
Was it as horrific as this?

(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 10:33, , Reply)
This is a normal post Dear God no...
Never THAT horrific.
(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 10:34, , Reply)
This is a normal post It is horrific, I know
but it does ram the lesson home.
(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 10:37, , Reply)
This is a normal post NSFW
thats practically snuff mate. i didnt know thomas the tank engine was such a vindictive bastard
(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 11:00, , Reply)
This is a normal post I remember one from ages ago
It might have been on Nationwide. They had teams of kids doing 'railway sports', like brick throwing and the tunnel walk. Wasn't THAT gory, but haunted me for years.
(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 12:33, , Reply)
This is a normal post Nationwide!
You old bastard! :)
(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 12:48, , Reply)
This is a normal post Frank Bough
(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 12:51, , Reply)
This is a normal post Comb Over central!

(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 12:58, , Reply)
This is a normal post suspenders and stockings

(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 13:06, , Reply)
This is a normal post and Colombian marching powder

(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 13:16, , Reply)
This is a normal post I don't remember being shown a horror film about trains...
... but we did get to see a similar thing about farm machinery. It was a crackly old black and white film about three kids who played about in the farmyard without permission and variously met untimely ends falling into grain silos or getting dragged into some kind of combine harvester. It seems like a really vivid nightmare in my memory now, but it bloody well did the trick- none of my classmates have expired in such a manner, as far as I know at least.
(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 15:33, , Reply)
This is a normal post This
was called The Finishing Line, and it's available on DVD, on volume 7 of the BFI's British Transport Films collection, The Age Of The Train. It's still fucking TERRIFYING.
(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 19:51, , Reply)
This is a normal post Thanks for that
Just found the first 5 mins on Toob. Yuk.
(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 23:24, , Reply)
This is a normal post Yes
I remember being shown that.
(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 14:09, , Reply)
This is a normal post Or
we could build bridges.
(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 13:18, , Reply)