A friend of mine recently attended a 'Champaign Lunch', where he was compelled drink as much fizzy stuff as he could between the first and last courses. In an ideal world we'd ask restaurant staff to tell us stories about fatties stuffing themselves at All You Can Eat places, but we recognise that our members don't all work in the catering trade, so for the rest of you - tell us something about abusing freebies. BTW: Bee puns = you fail.
( , Thu 8 Nov 2007, 14:16)
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Has leggless posted about the free car he was given which came with a free thi bride and diesel bull elephant?
I got a load of boxes of Hugo boss samples at uni, where upon I filled my stinking footy boots anf running shoes with the sweet smelling nectar, the smell of Hugo Boss and sweaty feet mingled to create a new fragrance all of it's own, where upon now if I smell hugo boss it makes me heave and wretch!
The end fuck off etc
( , Tue 13 Nov 2007, 15:53, 11 replies)

Thanks for alleviating my boredom.
I assume this is a spoof as no-one can possibly be this dim, but nevertheless, here are my comments.
- Legless requires a capital, and only uses one g.
- Your syntax is appalling. Perhaps "Has Legless posted the story in which he was given a car, along with a Thai bride and a diesel bull elephant?" would be more elegant.
- Thai has an a and requires a capital.
- "free" is a tautology. If he was given something, evidently it was free.
- The next sentence (which should surely be a paragraph) is just dire. Good heavens, what "uni" (capital required!) did you study within?
- Leaving aside the grammar, whereupon is one word, not two. You do not need an apostrophe in "its" and "wretch" should surely mean retch.
- You need a comma in the final sentence.
Perhaps your entry would read better as:
"Has Legless posted the story in which he was given a car, along with a Thai bride and a diesel bull elephant?
While at University I gained possession of a lot of Hugo Boss samples. As my football boots and trainers smelt a bit I filled them with the aforementioned aftershave.
The fragrant aftershave samples mixed with my cheesy trainers, creating an aroma unique in the history of the world.
Consequently, whenever I smell Hugo Boss, I now feel an urge to vomit."
Still a pretty crappy story though.
( , Tue 13 Nov 2007, 16:10, closed)

I'm being abused by a "winda-lika".
If this guy's been to Uni, then it had to be as a cleaner.
PS. Cheers DP. Nice retort but we really shouldn't feed the trolls. Appreciated the effort though.
( , Tue 13 Nov 2007, 16:20, closed)

his other posts?
and he has the gall to criticise the posts of others?
methinks that there may be issues here
( , Tue 13 Nov 2007, 16:25, closed)

Sadly, I doubt it's a spoof.
Another searing inditement of falling educational standards.
Either that or the troll's as thick as shit.
Oh, and Legless, maybe we shouldn't feed them, but we should certainly laugh at them... and would you want this sort of dimwit as a fan?
( , Tue 13 Nov 2007, 16:25, closed)

( , Tue 13 Nov 2007, 17:21, closed)

But at least his stories are entertaining (and I think he'd tell you himself that sometimes he adds a little relish to add some pep - but what's wrong with that?)...
And I shan't carry on about your shamefully bad story because others already have (and made it much better if I may say so, DP), so I'll leave this with:
No, you fuck off! (Because I'm adult like that!)
( , Tue 13 Nov 2007, 17:29, closed)

The 'top' (and I use the word lightly) posts on his profile page are so very bad, they actually become quite amusing. One story in particular had me giggling like a buffoon. I'll repost it as is:
"German Helmet.
''the thirteenth devil woooooo!
We did a Wonggy (how the fuck do you spell it?) board in our shed, there we're 8 of us. 1984 I think?''
1983 you silly cow! And there was a Devil! I kicked him in the nuts! If you hadn't have run off you would of seen him. (really! Kids!)
Any way my story.
We went to France to vistit the somme with my Mum and Dad and 1 of my brothers. Because it was something my Mum always wanted to do, plus I found it very interesting as well.
Any way we toured round the battle field and came to a place called Delvil or Devils Wood as the South African soldiers called it. There was only one original tree still left which had been shelled to shit! Any way my Mum said she found it scary as it was getting dark, and there was a funny feeling in the air. Probably the curry I had for lunch.
Any way I bought an WWI German helmet that had been dug up, it had a bullet hole in it. My Mum then Refused to dust my room from then on saying the helmet was haunted by the poor sod who had his brains blown out, in it.
One night I had a vision of shadow on my floor of a German soldier, to be honest I have no idea if it was a dream (probably!) But in the morning I sat with it on me knee and explained to it (twat!) that I was just looking after the helmet and it's owner didn't need it any more.
The next night I had a vision or dream of this shadow waving good bye to me, and I haven't seen it since.
OOOOOOKA SPOOKA! Wooooooooooooooooo!"
It's like the winning essay from a special needs class. He's either seriously retarded, or a comedy genius.
Probably just retarded...
( , Tue 13 Nov 2007, 20:13, closed)
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