B3ta Person of the Year 2010
Instead of Time person of the year, who's B3ta's and why?
(Thanks to Elliot Reuben for the suggestion.)
rob, Thu 16 Dec 2010, 10:53)
Online girls always put out if you do this.
Amorous Badger NAKED BEA ARTHUR PHOTOS 4U, Tue 21 Dec 2010, 22:05,
3 replies)
girlinthehole, Tue 21 Dec 2010, 22:15,
I would
if I was a girl reading this.
sandettie light vessel automatic New Twitter - @bollocksreally, Wed 22 Dec 2010, 1:40,
Especially girls
who quite often boast about their nob-gobbling skills.
and the term 'nob-gobblin' made me chortle
sandettie light vessel automatic New Twitter - @bollocksreally, Wed 22 Dec 2010, 1:41,
when is a pixie not a pixie?
when it's got its head up a fairy's skirt, then it's a gobblin'
awful joke is awful
Vipros. clever got me this far, then tricky got me in, Wed 22 Dec 2010, 10:35,
Should have read replies
before posting. FUCKU.
Bababoon, Wed 22 Dec 2010, 12:06,
it's been a while since I've heard/read the term "nob gobblin"
Sadarse works like Mist condensing mud flaps, Wed 22 Dec 2010, 12:10,