Tb2571989 says Bad Management isn't just a great name for a heavy metal band - what kind of rubbish work practices have you had to put up with?
( , Thu 10 Jun 2010, 10:53)
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Government = Public Sector, can save money by cutting public services
Banking = Private Sector, can pay bonuses, within the laws of the country, as they see fit.
If you want information on all the talk over "the future of banking", this report has just been released : www.cityam.com/news-and-analysis/sack-unethical-bankers-says-commission
And as for bankers being solely to blame for the current "hole", I think you are scapegoating an industry rather than understanding the complex inter-relationship between banks, bankers, bonuses, joe-public-who-wants-a-new-car, the ratings agencies, the government, the regulators and the stock market investors. But that's another story.
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 11:57, 3 replies)

the general public (particularly although by no means solely the US) failing to understand entirely that the Deepwater Horizon oil spill is, fundamentally, their fault and responsibility. It's OK though, because we can blame nasty BP.
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:03, closed)

and demands for cheaper petrol did contribute to the problems in the Gulf, BP ignored safety procedures, warnings from their own workers etc, and put profits before safety. Unfortunately we can't sue the human race for contributory negligence, and sadly BP were negligent in the eyes of the law.
They have to pay. They do have the money. It's pretty much tough shit for them.
Perhaps though, this incident will bring the 'drill baby, drill' element to their senses - but I rather suspect it wont. They are already blaming environmentalists for not letting them drill in shallower waters.
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:10, closed)

While I have to be fairly careful as I have a specific edict from my ultimate boss that no-one from my group is allowed to discuss this in public locations* on pain of disciplinary action, BP didn't ignore anything, and I very strongly suspect that the US is about to discover to its cost that BP were not in the slightest bit negligent in the eyes of the law. US regulations for deepwater drilling are weak, Obama knows that, or be wouldn't be tubthumping like an enormous cock.
In any case, it's not a BP rig. Or BP regulations. Or BP workforce. Or BP work practices. But that's OK, BP are nasty bit multinational, so let's blame them.
*poorly phrased, it's the press we are prohibited from talking to, but you know what I mean
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:19, closed)

Information that is completely independent is pretty much impossible to find. I'll wait to see what happens and bear your comments in mind.
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:21, closed)

Plus. I'd deep drill you any day lovely and you wouldn't be gushing oil etc.
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:25, closed)

UK/EU deepwater drilling requires specifically several extra *mumblemumbleshouldn'ttalkaboutthis* and, yeah, the same rig blowout wouldn't have resulted in a leak here.
But we are very, very cautious about deepwater drilling here. It's very very very high risk and the only reason the US do it is because of their insatiable desire for a self-sustaining oil supply so they are never at the mercy of the middle east.
You could argue that BP should have forced the drilling company to meet UK regs rather than US ones, but the company would have refused and someone else other than BP would overseen the operation. Maybe that's a bit morally grey, but it's not breaking regulations.
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:32, closed)

They'll just drill in protected areas because it's 'safer'. Then complain when their eco system is utterly fucked.
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:48, closed)

BP will have to bear the cost of the clean up. As the company overseeing the operation it is their obligation. They will also compensate, because the cost to them is tiny compared to the PR loss of not doing it. But (to the best of my knowledge) they didn't break US deepwater drilling regs so they can't possibly be charged with any negligence. You will always get bitter ex-employees saying they did of course. And maybe they did, but all the info I've seen suggests not. And yes, both sides are very biased.
But I think if there really was a chance of a succesful prosecuation, Obama wouldn't be shouting so loudly. And really, on the kilospoons irony scale, the US government should take a fucking big look into it's own house and think long and hard about how hard they fought to get Union Carbide off the hook over Bhopal, because, "hey, it's only dirty ragheads, right?"
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:28, closed)

eight thousand. After all these years the families recieved compensation of about £900 each, and no US employee has ever gone to trial, and it was widely accepted as negligence. Deepwater horizon is a tragedy, but it needs to be put in perspective.
(my favourite perspective stat is that Exxon Valdise killed, at best estimates, 250,000 birds. That's the same number that are killed by cats in the UK every couple of days)
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:38, closed)

More oil is spilled every year in Nigeria than has been lost in the Mexican gulf - www.theroot.com/buzz/nigeria-s-agony-dwarfs-gulf-oil-spill
but no-one gives a fuck because, well, it's Nigeria
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 14:16, closed)

that would have been my next rant, but hey, one's enough for a monday.
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 17:18, closed)

I don't see how the banking industry has got out of this unscathed. Oh - that's right - because they're able to pay off the politicians.
How come we're not being paid the fee for the breach of overdraft fee for those banks that got privatised? I mean - if I breach my overdraft the government doesn't bail me out, I have to pay a fee.
How come there's one rule for them, and another for the rest of us?
Oh - that's right - because bankers are rich enough to pay off the politicians.
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:06, closed)

In any case, the two things are hardly comparable. Unless you are suggesting you want to have your overdraft reduced by selling shares in yourself?
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:10, closed)

Oh yes. Because those conditions don't apply to the banks.
Because, er ... because the bankers are rich enough to pay off the politicians.
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:14, closed)

Or anything even vaguely like an overdraft. Do pay attention, and take off the tinfoil hat, there's a good chap.
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:20, closed)

using the taxpayers' money ...
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:23, closed)

If they paid us overdraft charges it would be idiotic. Like paying them to ourselves.
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:27, closed)

oh - oh I can't. Because I don't really own or part-own them at all.
But I'll be paying for them, mind.
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:28, closed)

You don't need me to explain democracy to you right?
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:31, closed)

So ... how come I don't get a share of their profits, then?
Oh yes. Silly me. The profits are privatised. It's the debt that's nationalised.
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:33, closed)

£600Million per year - as stated above. In fact, they get this even if the bank makes a loss.
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:35, closed)

This will most probably be at a substantial profit and the money from that does go to you. Both the cost and the profit are nationalised.
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:36, closed)

( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:33, closed)

The debts still exist, the government did not pay them off, they took an investment in the bank(s) to ensure that they had the liquidity to maintain payments on these debts whilst they were restructured, and to give the market back the confidence to lend the banks money at less dislocated rates.
Remember, all that money that the government has put in is either a) due to be paid back, b) pays a significant dividend (see above) or c) can be sold by the government to the private sector at any time on the open market. Potentially for a huge profit - if the banks become successful again.
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:33, closed)

Oh yes.
What was it I was saying about the bankers paying off politicians?
Silly me!
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:36, closed)

They are owned by the State. The UK Treasury - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UK_Financial_Investments_Limited
In fact, if you're so inclined, you can get a job with them : www.ukfi.co.uk/job-opportunities/
Edit : If you're interested, the price at which the government make a profit on their investments are 63.2p per share in Lloyds, and 49.9p per share in RBS. Both banks have been over this price in the past year.
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:43, closed)

They've bought some shares. If you get too deep into your overdraft, you can sell some I'd your stuff too.
( , Wed 16 Jun 2010, 14:59, closed)

Banking reform will take time, and it will happen. You can't simply barge in and start making demands instantly, it will fuck up.
Blaming the banks is easy. Sorting the mess out isn't.
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:12, closed)

It's just that it seems from here that an awful lot of people have got away with not only cocking it all up and not having to either clear up the mess or pay for it, but they've actually made money and managed to actively avoid any penalties whatsoever.
Not that I'm not a believer in screwing over the little people if one can, mind - I'm just enjoying the opportunity to whine self-righteously. If I were a banker I wouldn't be saying all this pretentious, justification bullshit about losing good people if you fine them, I'd simply be wiping my arse on £50 notes and flicking the V sign to the povvers outside the gates of my fucking enormous mansion.
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:17, closed)

If you consider the above link, there will be fundamental changes to banking in this country.
Comparing your overdraft fee to the bailout is utterly facile. However, to counter, the government do actually get a fee from RBS/Lloyds, through the fact that they own preference shares paying 12% - £600,000,000 per year in interest.
The alternative, was to let RBS and HBOS go bankrupt, as happened to Lehman Brothers. Whilst in a purely capatilist, no-safety-net world, this would have been the correct thing to do, there were/are fundamental concerns that letting a number of large retail banks fail, would have created a financial crisis even worse than the one we now face.
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:15, closed)

Oh well, then. Glad that no one was hurt, and that no one was responsible in the end - it was actually the taxpayer's fault all along.
This is why I want to go into arms-dealing. If anyone criticises you, you simply say "Guns don't kill people, rappers do."
FFS. All involved in the banking industry need to be put up against the wall and shot. It would make great television for a start.
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:24, closed)

I'm not saying it was the taxpayer's fault.
How did you read that into my post?
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:28, closed)

"I think you are scapegoating an industry rather than understanding the complex inter-relationship between banks, bankers, bonuses, joe-public-who-wants-a-new-car ... "
It was my bloody silly fault for needing an overdraft. I do accept that. I do. And I'd like to publically apologise for the global mess I've caused.
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:30, closed)

It's the summation of a lot of people that "needed" a new car/house/holiday/speedboat, that led to the demand that fueled this crisis. The banks lent to more people than they should have done. The ratings agencies mis-rated alot of securitisations based on these loans, the regulator did not stop this, the government encouraged it - "BRITAIN IS BOOMING". There were alot of parties at fault.
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:38, closed)

My own fault, really - I should have saved some to prepare for such a situation.
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:53, closed)

If you cannot afford to pay for a new boiler either a) save until you can, or b) get insurance. We have insurance on our boiler - since we felt that we'd rather that, than have to pay out a lump sum in the event it blows up. That's what insurance is for
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:56, closed)

If the banks hadn't been bailed out it would have been a disaster for plenty of businesses, people, everyone really. It's also likely that we will receive a good return on our investment into the banks.
I would like to see the government on behalf of taxpayers insist on better lending, lower bonuses in the banks that are effectively capitalised but we have to face that we have no more power than any other shareholders. We can't force them to cut pay in the same way that we can in genuine government agencies.
On a slightly separate note, are you involved in The Robin Hood Tax? If not, get involved.
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:18, closed)

I agree with it, but the problem is that it will end up being paid by the customers anyway, because the banks will simply add it to their charges, and then add an extortionate "administration" fee for doing so, because they just don't have enough money already.
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:27, closed)

The Robin Hood tax is a transaction tax but only between financial institutions. It wouldn't apply to retail banking transactions.
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:29, closed)

But yes, I agree. We'll pay for it in the end anyway. We'll all pay.
And meanwhile, certain individuals will still get into positions where they're able to run up £16,000 bar bills on the proceeds.
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:32, closed)

To them your 2 pints down the pub on a Friday equate to a week's wages. That's also unfair. Morally I agree that living in such an unequal world is horrible, wrong etc but there are lots of people who earn a great deal of money.
Disassembling what is great sweeping moral conviction from what pragmatically can and should happen is very tricky and can provide us with virtually no easy answers.
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:42, closed)

It's just that the money I earn is fair and square, and if I lose the company a shedload of money then I'll get fired. Doesn't seem to have happened with the bankers. If anything, the likes of Fred Goodwin have actually done rather well out of overseeing the largest losses in financial history.
But hey. If I was in that position I would have bought my own TV channel specifically for publically laughing at the nation from my multi-million dollar secret hideaway.
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:56, closed)

Believe me, the inside of an "investment bank" looks very different today than it did 5 years ago.
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:59, closed)

You can't get upset at bankers being rich cunts and then agree that in their position you'd be the same or worse. You rich cunt. I thought you were idealistic and venting but it turns out you're just jealous and whining.
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 13:04, closed)

( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 13:06, closed)

You're a tit.
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:55, closed)

And doesn't whine about things while not doing anything constructive.
Oh - oh you can't.
I can't do anything constructive about the banking situation other than pay tax, and everyone reserves the right to whining about having to pay tax.
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 12:58, closed)

It's easy to get involved. A lot of people already are.
Stop being so bloody pathetic. You look like a cock.
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 13:06, closed)

Chill, baby. It's only opinionsontheinternetslol
But do carry on telling me I'm pathetic.
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 13:08, closed)
( , Mon 14 Jun 2010, 13:09, closed)
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