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This is a question Beautiful Moments, Part Two

Last week I saw a helium balloon cross the road at the lights on a perfectly timed gust of wind. Today I saw four people trying to get into a GWiz electric car. They failed.

What's the best thing you've seen recently?

(, Thu 5 Aug 2010, 21:49)
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Every day...
I walk in the door and my daughter will look up from her playpen, realise her Daddy is home and give me the most heartfelt grin. Melts me every time and I just hope I never, ever disappoint her.

Hard to explain the feeling to b3tans without kids, but I'd crawl over broken glass with broken arms and and my skin covered in napalm to make sure I see that little girl light up at the thought of playtime with her Dad.
(, Fri 6 Aug 2010, 11:45, 11 replies)
I'd crawl over broken glass with broken arms and and my skin covered in napalm
...he sight of you all bloody and burnt would scare the shit out of her!
(, Fri 6 Aug 2010, 11:48, closed)

Have a click for the nice sentiment, but I can't help but think Monkey has a point there...
(, Fri 6 Aug 2010, 11:57, closed)
but you get the idea.

I can see why some people become all right wing/Daily Mail when they have kids - the need to make sure that they don't ever suffer harm is just hard-wired and totally overwhelming. I'd hate to ever upset my little one and if anyone ever hurt her, I'd quite happily rip them apart and I know that most parents feel the same - it's why you see them screaming at each other because one kid stole another kid's toy at playschool, etc.

Sometimes it can be almost scary how having kids affects your life, but when they smile and give you a hug, there isn't a drug in the world that can brighten your day more.

Of course, I resign myself to years of poverty, lack of sleep, never seeing sports on TV, being used as a Taxi, being used as a cash machine, being mocked for my taste in clothes and music and everything else. But I really wouldn't change it for the world.
(, Fri 6 Aug 2010, 12:04, closed)
I agree totally...
...with every word you say; the seven-mile slog home on my bike uphill, against the wind, occasionally getting soaked to the skin, almost always putting my life in danger, is immediately forgotten when my little boy sees me and beams at me, just because I'm there.
(, Fri 6 Aug 2010, 13:06, closed)
Probably not quite ready yet
Absolutely agree, mate.

A friend asked, after my first daughter was born, what I felt that I hadn't expected. I replied that it was hard to live with the feeling that whatever I did, however much I looked after her and protected her, something bad might still happen to her.

"Hm," she replied, "I guess it's a bit like having a white carpet."

(, Fri 6 Aug 2010, 13:08, closed)
This ^
Before my little one was on the go I didn't want kids. Now I couldn't be without her. I worked a nightshift job I hated (and made me ill with depression)for 2.5 years just to make sure I could support her. I'd do anything for her.

I can't watch those adverts for kids in Africa nowadays, I was crying at police camera action last night cos some cunt was doing 70 in a 30 zone and paralysed a 1-year old girl for life. I can't even watch Toy Story 2 or Finding Nemo without getting upset that something might happen to her, no matter how irrational I know that is. It was worse on nightshift cos at 4am there's an endless amount of shit your brain will come out with.
(, Fri 6 Aug 2010, 18:19, closed)
I have a godson...
... which is my ex's child. and for a while i was living with my ex. And to come home every day to the child light up so happy to see me, made the reason for my existence.. the reason for us doing the 9 to 5 troll completely and utterly worth it.

They came to see me (now i moved far away) and i got home from work to a "He's hooooooooooooooooome yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!"

Now im all single, by myself and when work finishes.. especially at the end of the week. I sit here and think.. umm why do I bother making the journey home? I feel like i put myself back in a box ready to be brought out again on monday for another weeks work.. for no purpose what so ever.

So yeah i know what its like... sadly.

Anyway sorry... Carry on with Beautiful Moments!
(, Fri 6 Aug 2010, 13:06, closed)
i have a 3 year old daughter who loves me very much even though i'm a cunt trying to rub your lonliness in your face.
(, Fri 6 Aug 2010, 14:20, closed)
Oh I say!
Tad uncalled for don't you think ?
(, Fri 6 Aug 2010, 16:08, closed)
Oh Chad,
It's even more painful when you have to let them metaphorically fall on their face to learn an important lesson. I'm not talking about letting a 2 year old burn himself on a stove, but the whole letting-them-find-out-their-friend-is-a-shit kind of thing.

Have you read Terry Pracheet's "Thud? One of the themes is that same feeling of "I'll do anything not to let my child down" and Sam Vimes doggedness brings tears to your eyes.
(, Sat 7 Aug 2010, 21:58, closed)
Have a click..
mainly cos my little boy's at this stage as well, and it's always awesome!
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 12:48, closed)

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