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This is a question Ignorance

I once was in a programming class where the task was "build a calculator". A student did one with buttons 1, 2, 3 all the way up to about 25 and then ran out of space on the screen. We've asked this before but liked it so much we're asking again: What's the best example of ignorance you've encountered?

(, Thu 30 Aug 2012, 12:30)
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As a kid, I had read many things...
...but not heard many of them pronounced. Hence such wonders as:

High fiddle-tee records.
Bee-owing aeroplanes.
WW1 battlefield Vitoo-meers.
Referring to King Neb-you-chad-nee-zar in a school assembly reading.

I learned to avoid this as I grew up, by just reading stuff and never actually talking to anyone.
(, Thu 30 Aug 2012, 17:41, 9 replies)
me too
i thought for ages pedestrian was pronounced pedestranian (like there was some weird country called Pedestrania)
(, Thu 30 Aug 2012, 17:51, closed)
That's the only one I can't figure out. What is it?
(, Thu 30 Aug 2012, 18:03, closed)

(, Thu 30 Aug 2012, 19:11, closed)
It's a French battlefield...
...Vimoutiers. (Vim-oo-tee-ay)
(, Fri 31 Aug 2012, 17:05, closed)

(, Fri 31 Aug 2012, 22:05, closed)
throw in a touch of dyslexia and you have my wife's eternal amusement in life...
I can't pronounce anything right unless I'm lucky enough to have heard someone else say it first, and even then half the time I just think there's two different words.

Some of my personal versions of words I stand by as making more sense than the originals - the first that comes to mind is I thought for ages mediocre was "medicore" (and pronounced it as such)

Medium, core = middle of the ground = medi-core, it just made sense. It even sounds boring. While mediocre sounds kind of of interesting, a mediterranean color of rich deepness or something... completely doesn't work.

Everyone should use Medicore, maybe then I'd get laughed at less often when I slip and use my version by accident =)
(, Fri 31 Aug 2012, 7:35, closed)
My parents laughed like loons when I said, "Oh no, it's all gone awry"
but pronounced it AW-REE.

In my defence it's not obvious which syllable the W is attached to.
(, Fri 31 Aug 2012, 14:25, closed)

I can't for the life of me remember how to pronounce Chiropodist nor thesaurus. I wanted to be the one, and as a kid I loved learning new words. I got laughed at frequently.
(, Fri 31 Aug 2012, 16:04, closed)
One for the aussies
The Triple J news girl referred to Yosamite National Park as Yoe-sam-mite today. Standards really are dropping around here, once upon a time ABC employees had to learn how to speak properly before they let them loose on the world.
(, Sat 1 Sep 2012, 8:37, closed)

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