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Your stories on The Devil's Pillows, please.

Suggested by PsychoChomp

(, Thu 6 May 2010, 13:21)
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Interesting times.
Byu that point I suspect I'll barely be able to get into the room with them, and I'll be able to make the dear girl go weak at the knees by standing in the next county and coughing gently.

We're already looking into the mechanics of keeping ourselves (coff) active right up until such things are medically contraindicated...
(, Tue 11 May 2010, 16:10, 2 replies)
That bit's not too bad. You can go with it all the way to the end.
Enjoy it while it lasts!
(, Tue 11 May 2010, 16:12, closed)
About 6 hours before our daughter was born...
... suggests that it's not too difficult to achieve if you are even slightly adaptable (yes it was a short labour).

Congratulations. You are in for a interesting few decades months.

My wife also went up something like 4 sizes but they were sufficiently uncomfortable/like a bag of rocks that some of that effect was a little wasted. Nonetheless, enjoy while you can, in every sense.
(, Tue 11 May 2010, 18:51, closed)
I concur
MrsScars announced halfway through Week 38 that she was bored with being pregnant, and would I do something about it? After much prostaglandin injecting, she said she thought more effort was called for. Off to the local pissoir/council swimming pool, 30 lengths.

Nope, let's try spicy food. Cue jalapeno frenzy down the local Tex Mex, with lots of tequila for me.

That worked. Pity I was still drunk when her waters broke, and she had to drive us both to the matty unit sitting on a pillow.

/back on topic: they went from 34AA to 36 C.
(, Tue 11 May 2010, 23:29, closed)
Best not to tell people you enjoyed spluffing all over your baby daughter when she was very, very young. Just saying.
(, Wed 12 May 2010, 11:16, closed)
This is why I added
the clarification that my wife was not, at that point, yet in labour. There was no "wet the baby's head" involved.

Although I do accept that you point is a valid one.
(, Thu 13 May 2010, 10:48, closed)

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