Bullshit and Bullshitters
We've had questions about lies and liars in the past, but this time we're asking about the sort of fantasist who constantly claims they've got a helicopter in the garden or was "second onto the balcony at the Iranian Embassy siege". Tell us about the cobblers you've been told, or the complete lies you've come out with.
Thanks to dozer for the suggestion
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 13 Jan 2011, 12:55)
I used to love Sugar Puffs, but found that the box didn't last nearly long enough.
So I told my brother that Sugar Puffs were actually 'shaved bees', and soon after discovered that a box would last much longer.
Lord & Lady Pants, Wed 19 Jan 2011, 10:26,
7 replies)
I'm torn.
this is hilarious, but sugar puffs are fucking gross.
Vipros. clever got me this far, then tricky got me in, Wed 19 Jan 2011, 10:44,
They're the asparagus
of the breakfast table
sandettie light vessel automatic New Twitter - @bollocksreally, Wed 19 Jan 2011, 13:27,
Does your wee smell of Sugar Puffs for ages after eating them?
I think not...
Sugar Puffs are ace QED AICMFP etc.
shinyshinyscalp less a man, more a way of life, Wed 19 Jan 2011, 17:37,
yes it does
sandettie light vessel automatic New Twitter - @bollocksreally, Wed 19 Jan 2011, 21:38,
my wee sometimes smells of them
when I haven't been eating them
maggotriddendirtbox fast, feral and sharp as a tack since, Wed 19 Jan 2011, 22:58,
Hehehe - brilliant
snee held his breath since, Wed 19 Jan 2011, 11:21,
I approve of this lie!
SigmaX0 Dear Die Hard. You rock!, Wed 19 Jan 2011, 14:04,