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This is a question Common

Freddy Woo writes, "My wife thinks calling the front room a lounge is common. Worse, a friend of hers recently admonished her daughter for calling a toilet, a toilet. Lavatory darling. It's lavatory."

My own mother refused to let me use the word 'oblong' instead of 'rectangle'. Which is just odd, to be honest.

What stuff do you think is common?

(, Thu 16 Oct 2008, 16:06)
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this is very common

stupid bitch.
(, Tue 21 Oct 2008, 23:07, 11 replies)

No surprise it was the Mail that picked that up but still...
(, Tue 21 Oct 2008, 23:18, closed)
with knobs on.
(, Tue 21 Oct 2008, 23:36, closed)
So common
that's it's appeared in this QOTW twice!
(, Wed 22 Oct 2008, 0:56, closed)
get a pic before though.
Her mum looks like a simpering tit though. I didn't think she'd be that simple. More of a hard case.
(, Wed 22 Oct 2008, 9:24, closed)
'If I ground her, I'm just punishing myself because I have to put up with her in the house.'


'I think she only drinks a couple of cans a night, so I'm lucky she isn't a proper drunk.


'She smokes a joint every now and then. I don't think she's tried anything harder.'

um... WTF? If this isn't a case of extremely bad parenting then I don't know what is.
(, Wed 22 Oct 2008, 9:29, closed)
Mother of the Year?
Responsible parenting this aint!

Not punishing your kid because you don't want any flack and don't want to somehow punish yourself is unbeleivable.

I understand the whole "kids are gonna do it anyway" attitude some parents have, but this takes it too far
(, Wed 22 Oct 2008, 12:15, closed)
My favourite:
'We've all got to die sometime. I haven't got cancer from smoking so she'll probably be all right anyway.'

Hope not.
(, Wed 22 Oct 2008, 13:44, closed)
...by 14, or will she wait another few months?
(, Wed 22 Oct 2008, 9:30, closed)
She uses condoms when she has sex, is at least a little picky about who with and only has a couple of cans a night. And who- at least according to the mother- hasn't tried anything harder than weed.

*looks at age*
Ah, now I see where everyone's problem comes from. Meh, lots of people do that sort of thing and worse at that age. At least she's making something of an effort to stay addiction/STD/kid-free.

The mother's a stupid bitch for letting her do all that, though.
(, Wed 22 Oct 2008, 11:33, closed)
The sad thing is..
if that girl has any kids, they'll be raised and be exactly the same as her, creating a new generation of such people. Annoying.
(, Wed 22 Oct 2008, 18:31, closed)
haven't social services done anything about this???

I love it how she blames the teachers for being soft, when she's fucking gaseous.

Just look at the mothers face FFS, you'd never get tired of punching that!
(, Wed 22 Oct 2008, 18:42, closed)

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