Smash Monkey asks: "what's the creepiest thing you've seen, heard or felt? What has sent shivers running up your spine and skidmarks running up your undercrackers? Tell us, we'll make it all better"
( , Thu 7 Apr 2011, 13:57)
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Take a good look at him. Rather unremarkable old fellow, isn't he? If you passed him in the street you wouldn't give him a second thought.
Read this.
The highlights: he thoroughly enjoyed raping, torturing and killing small children, then eating the bodies. He loved pain, both inflicting and receiving, to the point where he took up sticking needles into the area between his scrotum and his anus and had lost 28 of them inside him. And after killing and eating the children, he would send the parents letters describing it to them. The letter that he sent that ended up getting him caught closed with "How sweet and tender her little ass was roasted in the oven. It took me 9 days to eat her entire body. I did not fuck her tho I could of had I wished. She died a virgin."
Pleasant dreams.
( , Sun 10 Apr 2011, 22:07, 40 replies)

I prefer Ted Bundy. Creepy Albert Fish was not, just fucking twisted.
( , Sun 10 Apr 2011, 22:15, closed)

More so than Ed Gein, more so than Bundy, or Gacy or Shawcross or any of the others. Why? Because of the sheer sadism involved. He delighted in tormenting his victims and then their families after. He was every parent's worst nightmare, come to life.
( , Sun 10 Apr 2011, 22:30, closed)

That little escapade in the nurses' lodging house was his high point. His encore was blaming his crimes on porn and becoming a poster boy for the conservative right. He was fucking inspired.
( , Sun 10 Apr 2011, 23:23, closed)

Works on the checkout at my local Asda. Well it looks like him.
( , Sun 10 Apr 2011, 23:46, closed)

That was a direct quote from his letter. The spelling and grammatical errors were his.
( , Sun 10 Apr 2011, 22:23, closed)

I read it.
My apologies Sir.
I remember reading about him a good few years ago. He also turns up in 'Black House' by Stephen King and Peter Straub.
( , Sun 10 Apr 2011, 22:36, closed)

In fact, it was after reading that book that I really looked him up and read the details. Though I have a pretty wild imagination, I never could have invented something like this.
He was the very definition of evil.
( , Sun 10 Apr 2011, 22:45, closed)

for 'The Alienist', which was quite good.
( , Mon 11 Apr 2011, 18:13, closed)

After he was executed, they x-rayed him and found that he'd been knocking pins into his balls. I'm sure I saw a pic of it when I first read about him.
Edit : Yep, bit more info :
( , Sun 10 Apr 2011, 22:45, closed)

about serial killers, he was in it.
( , Sun 10 Apr 2011, 22:49, closed)

and now i'm going back to watching the walking dead
( , Sun 10 Apr 2011, 23:07, closed)

Honestly, between this and your unhealthy interest in Marc Valdez' swiftly-deleted beheading thread, I'm starting to wonder if I'm eventually going to see you on Crimewatch.
( , Sun 10 Apr 2011, 23:42, closed)

I think you have me confused with someone else- I don't know the thread you're referring to.
( , Mon 11 Apr 2011, 0:13, closed)

Hardly an unhealthy interest- I clicked the link to see what it was and got something loudly playing an ad or something. I asked if there was a better link to see what it was.
Beheading, huh? Nasty. Not terribly surprised, though- there's a lot of really horrid violence going on in that area of the world. I have heard firsthand testimony from people from Guatemala of things that gave me the jibblies for days.
( , Mon 11 Apr 2011, 0:25, closed)

Well, it did say 'decapita' in the link text, which was largely what inclined me to translate the rest before watching the thing. Beheading vids are the absolute worst - horrible things made by horrible people, who somehow manage to make the death penalty look far too lenient.
( , Mon 11 Apr 2011, 0:34, closed)

it's all very well to say "he/she killed soeone in th most horribl;e way, they deserve the death penalty!"
but if it was you pulling that lever or administering that lethal injection, could you do it and justify your actions?
( , Mon 11 Apr 2011, 0:39, closed)

Obviously, this is entirely theoritical, asI've never been and will never be in that position - but if they were on video, cutting the head from another human being, with no shadow of a doubt that it was them? Yes, absolutely, and it would trouble me no more than a vet is troubled by putting down a rabid dog.
( , Mon 11 Apr 2011, 0:56, closed)

I agree, beheading is pretty heinous, and I didn't realize that that was what the video was of. My Spanish is minimal at best, so I didn't look that closely at what the page said- especially when it tried to install something on my machine. I just closed the window.
In any case, rest easy- I don't enjoy reading about grisly stuff or watching such vids. I've already seen enough of that sort of thing as it is, and having talked to a few people who are professional experts on the violence in Central America I know more than I want to.
Fish, on the other hand, is so egregious that he's entered the popular culture along with Gein and the rest. Kinda hard to avoid some knowledge of him.
( , Mon 11 Apr 2011, 0:43, closed)

It's very grim stuff. I don't like snuff films myself- the fact that "Faces of Death" is being sold in multiple editions is horrifying in itself. I can't get my head around those who enjoy watching that stuff.
( , Mon 11 Apr 2011, 1:17, closed)

is mostly poorly faked footage. The beheading vids on YNC.com are gruesome, especially the one where they taser the bloke before commencing the decapitation. They get half way, his head flops back but there's a large heaving flap of skin over his windpipe. The gurgling and rasping death rattle is unforgettable.
It's surprising how quickly the Chechens and Taliban can get through a sinewy neck with a bread knife, the Mexicans in the film above were hopeless, it took ages. Points for effort and the deterrent effect (ie. don't grass on drug dealers) but nil points for technique.
( , Mon 11 Apr 2011, 10:32, closed)

That video is grim, i seriously don't suggest anyone watch it - I caught it in that thread. Thankfully it's very grainy and blurred, but the fact that it's a woman beheading someone makes it even worse for me. Even more nightmarishly, a looped recording of an advert for frozen peas or something was running in synch with it.... eurgh.
Apparently all the beheadings in mexico were inspired by the alleged Al-Queda videos from Iraq and many of the people doing the beheading are usually forced into it by the drug gangs. I only know this because one my housemate's is studying gang culture and criminology as part of his degree and often tells me of such morbidity.
As for Albert Fish, what a horrible fucker.
That's me not sleeping tonight then :(
( , Mon 11 Apr 2011, 1:03, closed)

Never heard of this guy before
Theres nowt so queer as folk
( , Mon 11 Apr 2011, 1:04, closed)

And I think I did well to do that. Not the worst seriel killer there's been but definately up there.
Columbians out do any country for being prolific. Of course our very own Harold Shipman is up there.
( , Mon 11 Apr 2011, 10:12, closed)

If it's perverted gross-out behaviour you want to read about, then check out Colombia's La Violencia period, 1948-60. That was some twisted shit going on. Martin Amis did a good report a while back about the pathological gang violence that goes on there, too. Makes the Yardies look like the Midnight Garden.
( , Mon 11 Apr 2011, 11:22, closed)

On the surface it just seemed like a civil war and I thought I can deal with this. It's depressing reading right? It makes the situation in Mexico look like two chavs arguing over a ten pound draw :\ Anyway back to the funnies, this thread is depressing me now :(
( , Mon 11 Apr 2011, 11:40, closed)

... when I was looking at Psychoville's website. The character David is obsessed with murderers and he says that Albert Fish is one of his favourite as he ate children's bums.
( , Mon 11 Apr 2011, 10:21, closed)

"Creepy" to most people probably means more like "gives me supernatural-like heebie-jeebies", not "makes me want to vomit with disgust and totally give up on the human race, as well as vividly imagining catching this human cockroach and setting him on fire."
( , Mon 11 Apr 2011, 11:18, closed)
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