Chickenlady winces, "I told a Hugh Grant/Divine Brown joke to my dad, pretending that Ms Brown was chewing gum so she'd be more American. Instead I just appeared to be still giving the blow-job. Even as I'm writing this I'm cringing inside."
Tell us your cringeworthy stories of embarrassment. Go on, you're amongst friends here...
( , Thu 27 Nov 2008, 18:58)
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I was but a mere 15, hot under the collar, having been mixing it up with my then girlfriend for a few months of dry humping / oral endeavours, we broke up, as i was pressured into studies by my parents, and really i could just masturbate and play video games... Wait that's still what i'm doing... Procrastination at it's finest? I think so!
But yes it's just past 2 years i think we'd been broken up but still chatting (she was foreign and had a small social circle at the time) and pleasuring / dry fucking each other on and off behind her boyfriends back, she cheated on him for about 6 months, then went cold turkey and left me high and dry... However all was not forgiven apparently, i was approaching my 16th birthday and randomly we're just chatting on the interbots thingy ma jig (MSN) and came the bomb shell "Name do you want to sleep with me?" well dot mutha baggy pingu cunt festering fuck scrotum dot, i could not believe it, the girl of my obbsessions (1st love's i.e think with my dick) i was a bit skeptical, thinking maybe it's a set up, but no! This offer of sex with my bonafide sex godess that i would masturbate to before i found free pr0n was asking me for sex! So i agreed, and we set a time and a date she asked me what i wanted her to wear, i didn't really care but she came dressed in smoking hot lingerie and a nice skirt and jacket, the house was empty, and we got down to business, after some foreplay, and getting rid of the clothes, we were finally there, i was about to lose it, and it was going to be like her 2nd "first time" since i was "that speical" to her, all words that pleased my aching heart and swollen member, so no condom on (she insisited "i'm on the pill it's fine") i went for it, cloud 9, the big score, SEX. i was in, ohh shit this is good, ohh ahhh,, ITHURTSOHHGODI'MGOINGTOCUMANDIDONTWANTTOCUMINSIDEYOU,YOUMIGHTGETPREGNANTANDTHENWTF *pull out cum all over her stomach* AWKARD.... but reassureingly says it's ok and that i'll last longer next time, i knew what to expect, but not that! So back we go and do nothing but fuck for 3 hours straight, i came out of that room feeling like a seasoned veteran off all those pron movies that i'd be watching! We left the house together, my hand on her arse and a shit eating grin on my face, she said i had "a million dollar smile" i felt like a million bucks i'll tell you that much! This carried on for about a month until she said she had to stop (she came back for more) and then things got a little bit sour, and accusations of sleeping around were made! I MEAN for the love of something holy, she was still going out with her man and she's still with him to this day! And she's trying to get the higher ground on me!
It ended horribly we didn't speak for months but slowly we reformed our relationship but it never returned to thee state it was, or even our friendship was that good anymore, she was evasive and scared of me on her own, i was (and still am) a horny teenager so i groped her when no one was looking, sometimes it was fine others it wasn't.
But that was then and this is now, she took my heart and tore it to pieces and then she left for uni in her perfect world with her new friends and boyfriend, and i'm the outsider that's just now "that guy", i miss what we had, but i've been told and know that she's by no means the hottest girl on the planet, but to me she was everything.
Thats about it really
i cringe telling this story and it breaks my heart and i'm getting teary eyed at work! It's been 2 years surely i should be over her by now??
FOR FUCK SAKE B3TA i'm sorry for being a mopy cunt the cringe bit was about 3 paragraphs up!
length ??? 2 years and it still hurts!
( , Mon 1 Dec 2008, 14:27, 14 replies)

No better getting over a woman record than that one.
Or Sebadoh's 'Bubble and Scrape' if you HAVE to do the whole get weepy/get angry thing.
( , Mon 1 Dec 2008, 14:45, closed)

What, with such lyrics as: Slipped my ho' a fourty-fo' as she walked in da front do'?
( , Mon 1 Dec 2008, 14:51, closed)

Nothing wrong with a healthy disrespect for women. Far too many young men see them as Goddesses and have to learn the hard way they're only human.
I am not a misogynist.
Ask the bitch, sorry my girlfriend.
( , Mon 1 Dec 2008, 14:54, closed)

You're a Sebadoh fan as well? AND you own the same shoes as me?
Wait -
*narrows eyes suspiciously*
are you me?
( , Mon 1 Dec 2008, 14:54, closed)

But this story just sounds like an emo rant of 'look at me, I'm ace! I shagged a girl behind her blokes back for 3 hours straight! I'm fantastic me! Oh yeah, I groped her a few times too! Without permission! Oh, she left to go to uni and we lost touch and I've fallen out of favour and I'll never see her again.
Man the fuck up.
I suggest you go out with a few mates, get drunk, bitch about her, cry about her leaving and then wake up with a hangover and a slightly more realistic look on life (oh yeah, and take her number off your phone).
There will be other girls out there, as you yourself said, you're still a teenager, you've got your 20's to get out there and see what there is!
Christ I'm in a bad mood today...
( , Mon 1 Dec 2008, 15:02, closed)

Would like to say i'm not usually a whiney depressing little shit, but sometimes you need to vent and an internet forum full of strangers is surely the best place to start :) ?
Punctuation will be improved! And hopefully my arse will recieve the well needed kicking to get me out drinking illegally and chasing pretty gurlies again! =)
( , Mon 1 Dec 2008, 16:10, closed)

time, you're sat at work, bored, browsing some old B3ta QOTW from years ago.
You see your post.
Then realise how silly you were, how much you have grown up and how quite insignificant your teenage problems seem to you now.
This is 100% the truth and anyone here aged 25+ will agree with me.
( , Tue 2 Dec 2008, 11:57, closed)
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