I just can't do power tools. They always fly out of control and end up embedded somewhere they shouldn't. I've no idea how I've still got all the appendages I was born with.
Add to that the fact that nothing ends up square, able to support weight or free of sticking-out sharp bits and you can see why I try to avoid DIY.
Tell us of your own DIY disasters.
( , Thu 3 Apr 2008, 17:19)
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I've got next to no computer skills, so when I turned on my PC last night at home, I was rather upset when it didn't let me logon...
I'm running Windows Vista Business.
It turns on as normal, gets to the user account selection.
If you then click on "Kaol", it says to enter password, as normal, but when you do and press "logon", you get a message saying:
"the User Profile Service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded."
You can go on the guest account as normal, which is the really odd part.
Hoepfully one of you beautiful B3tards will have the answer...
Sorry for the QOTW abuse, but it is a Thursday...
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 10:38, 39 replies)

buy a Mac, but I'd start a war, so I won't.
Buy a Mac
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 10:40, closed)

Buying a Mac soon-ish, but they don't come cheap, so I'm saving my hard-earned pennies :)
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 10:41, closed)

If you want something that is straight forward to use from the start, and especially if you want to record music onto your 'puter, then they serve an important role.
But if you want to play any sort of decent games, or be able to upgrade bits and bobs as and when you fancy, then they aren't that much cop.
And if you have the patience and a bit of spare cash, PCs can be just as good at recording music (if a little temperamental at time, but I think that's more my cheap ass Behringer sound card and insistence of using my laptop to play Medieval II at any given opportunity)
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 11:06, closed)

Wait up on the system restore thing, i had this a copla weeks ago, gimme an hour and ill remember how i fixed it dude.
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 11:11, closed)

Log on with another administrator profile.
Execute regedit
Goto Local Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Profile List
Go through the profiles to find yours. You can use the ProfileImagePath to
identify your profile
The key to your profile may have a ".bak" appended to it. There will be
another identical key except for the bak. Rename this key and rename yours
removing the ".bak"
Change the State property to 0.
Log off and retry logging on with your profile. It should now work
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 11:13, closed)

But I don't have another Admin. account :(
Just got "Kaol" and "Guest".
Is it at this point I should fall on my own sword?
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 11:16, closed)

but I only do Linux, Unix or MacOSX. Sorry.
My diagnosis is an advanced case of Windows poisoning. Try applying bleach.
Buy a mac
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 11:22, closed)

and asking for computer advice (and, since it's Thursday, completely in the buff), I have a question.
How do you do the small writing thing and the crossing out thing in replies or posts.
Please note that I'm not massively geeky with computers, so please keep answers simple.
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 11:31, closed)

Then click on the "What other HTML tags work on the board?"
Hope this helps!
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 11:33, closed)

for small text just type
< small > then your word, then < /small >
(remove the spaces before and after the word small)
Same for the strikethrough, but instead of 'small', type 's'.
Edit: bollix, it doesn't like that. hang on.
Edit2: gawd bless HTML coded character sets!
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 11:34, closed)

'lo mate, check the faq, there's all sorts of fancy stuff in there.
I just tried typing an explanation, but it filled with underlinings and strikethroughs!
althegeordie is
@CHCB, I like your shirt, can I have one please?
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 11:35, closed)

if it's just for you Bert?
And the monkeys of course
the other half doesn't understand my monkeys
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 11:38, closed)

Just go buy one from the b3ta shop. They're lovely. I'm going to wear mine out to the pub tonight and see if anyone recognises it. Last week one of my mates overheard people in the street near my house talking about b3ta and since then I've been on alert for likely-looking suspects.
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 11:40, closed)

I know you only have an attraction toward monkeys and goats now. *sobs*
@CHCB Likely suspects? -in what ways would you be able to spot a b3tard?
I will definitely buy the furtive T-shirt, I loikes that one.
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 11:42, closed)

Fact that I'm a mystery man on here though, I can't risk people I know knowing who I am...
*puts on dark glasses*
Especially if Burt's Soap Opera QOTW is chosen, then I really need the incognito points :|
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 11:43, closed)

Why are you wearing a t-shirt on Naked Thursday?
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 11:43, closed)

but where? And I'm not sure happy about our frigginmessiahwhoopin'hoopin'paintstripper admitting to not being naked on a Thursday.
EDIT - phew, that's better.
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 11:45, closed)

I shall never reveal my secret identity, so that I may post as many amusing stories as possible about the many interesting characters I've encountered on my fascinating wander through the garden of life.
Or not.
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 11:47, closed)

I'm trying to maintain anonymity as well, at least as far as work colleagues go. (I mean, it's difficult to maintain anonymity when you've actually met b3tards in real life.)
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 11:47, closed)

There's two probable causes but this should fix it:
Turn on your computer then hold press F8 You will see on the screen " Repair Your Computer" then Enter. Don't choose Administrator if you don't know the password use your own administrator user name and your password,. then press Enter.
On the screen
You'll see on the first Category "Startup Repair" and the second one "System Restore"
click on Startup Repair then when Your done doing it restart your computer. if doesn't work try the second one System Restore then click on it. again when your done Restart your computer.
If that doesn't work, Gaz me and I'll tell you another way
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 11:48, closed)

That's fantastic, thanks!
I'll give that a shot when I get home.
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 11:52, closed)

Bert -
I have the "furtive" t-shirt. It's ace. I wear it to Tesco in the hope the someone'll recognise it and strike up a conversation.
They never do.
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 12:16, closed)

I'll show you mine if you'll show me yours.
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 12:19, closed)

maybe they recognise it, work out who you are, and hide in the cheese aisle so they don't have to talk to you?
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 12:23, closed)

that'll be because B3tards don't shop in Tescos, we shop in M&S, or maybe sainsburys at worst.
Going to Tesco is good for the self esteem though, last time I went to one it was full of the ugliest people imaginable.
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 12:24, closed)

I must be less prettierer than you Sexmonkey - I need to go to Asda for that kind of ego-boost.
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 12:25, closed)

I am very handsome.
All the goats say so.
At least, that's what I think they mean by 'Baa!'
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 12:28, closed)

For real walking dead, you need to go to Asda.
B3TAn moment - my first attempt at typing this was "Wanking Dead". There has to be a porn movie in that, surely?
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 12:37, closed)

I did masturbate onto a corpse once... But that's another story for another day.
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 12:43, closed)

You just wouldn't let it lie, would you?
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 12:43, closed)

No, no previous ones on necrophilia, so I guess the opportunity for that story's yet to come!
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 12:47, closed)

Hey Legless, youd have thought wouldnt ya! Me too! Doesnt work, or in the very least it didnt for me a few times.
Ok Kaol, to get the administrator logon:
This is how you navigate to the Local Security Policy.
Firstly click on Vista's Start orb, then in the Start Search dialog box type: secpol.msc. Note: you must include the .msc extension.
Secondly drill down to Local Policy, Security Options
Thirdly double click Accounts: Administrator account status, and select enable
Right now the admin logon should be available to ya from the main logon screen and my previous thingy magiggy should be ok now, the admin logon password is setup when ou set vista up, so if you remmber it your quids in. Other wise there are some easy ways to fix this so gaz me, (incidentally does anyone know Why Gaz??????)
This was all caused by a stupid effin windows update a few months back and UAC stopping Windows OWN update from running proper! No wonder the rest of us are screwed,
Im an IT Support Manager and I DETEST windowsd so the fellas on about mac and linux??? They am damn right!
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 13:28, closed)
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