Easiest Job Ever
Dazbrilliantwhites says he spent five years working at an airport where he spent his days "racing down multi-storey car parks in wheelchairs and then using the lift to go back to the top". Tell us about your best and easiest jobs. Students: Make something up.
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 9 Sep 2010, 12:14)
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Town planner in America
"Right, what shall we call this first avenue?"
moon monkey is busy making memories worth repressing, Tue 14 Sep 2010, 12:12,
16 replies)
Drawing equipment required:
1. Pencil
2. Ruler
3. Protractor with only 90° marked.
Snappyuk gets BIGGER with free sample., Tue 14 Sep 2010, 12:52,
How do explain Lombard Street?
An anomaly? Massive drugs?
Another_tragic_case wished he hadn't eaten all the cake, Tue 14 Sep 2010, 12:58,
Can you narrow it down a bit?
Which Lombard Street? Where?
Snappyuk gets BIGGER with free sample., Tue 14 Sep 2010, 13:06,
The one in Hull
that disappered under a new shopping centre.
sandettie light vessel automatic New Twitter - @bollocksreally, Tue 14 Sep 2010, 13:09,
Point made
However, now i'm wondering if 'm being trolled!!
As a quick Google search for 'Lombard Street, USA' provided me with 160,000 hits, pretty much all pointing to one location.
San Francisco for those not aware (or trolling).
Another_tragic_case wished he hadn't eaten all the cake, Tue 14 Sep 2010, 13:26,
Not trolling
Didn't realise the squiggly street in San Fran was called Lombard Street.
That said, the building lines on the street are pretty much arrow straight. The zig-zagging of the roadway appears to be an afterthought. (Traffic calming?)
Snappyuk gets BIGGER with free sample., Tue 14 Sep 2010, 13:48,
No, it's because it's a steep hill
On the edge of the amusingly-named Nob Hill if memory serves...
moon monkey is busy making memories worth repressing, Tue 14 Sep 2010, 14:15,
perhaps they drew a wrong line
then instead of rubbing it out they scribbled through it, but the road builders didn't realise.
turtles head is touching cloth poked a dwarf on the forehead at, Wed 15 Sep 2010, 12:28,
Don't be silly.
Merkins don't have squiggly roads.
Je suis un vagabond is an unfunny, up your own arse middle class knob, Tue 14 Sep 2010, 15:43,
California does
High up in the hills.
They'd be great fun to drive on if only American cars weren't so shit.
K2k6 has a proper job these days, Wed 15 Sep 2010, 11:56,
The slanty one in the middle of New York
Artist sneezed while drawing it, and thought "Oh, now we have somewhere to celebrate New Year!".
sabre-tooth monkey, Tue 14 Sep 2010, 14:14,
Times Square isn't
moon monkey is busy making memories worth repressing, Tue 14 Sep 2010, 15:13,
Most things in San Francisco can be explained (or at least enjoyed) with Massive Drugs
For instance, I believe there's a place where 3rd St crosses itself... 3rd and 3rd!
moon monkey is busy making memories worth repressing, Tue 14 Sep 2010, 14:16,
I met an Irish bloke in America....
He said, "oi live on turd ssstreet'.
The Archduke of South London I'm in your Girlfriend eating her organs, Tue 14 Sep 2010, 14:33,
And LPs play at "Dirty Tree and a Turd"
moon monkey is busy making memories worth repressing, Tue 14 Sep 2010, 15:14,
I knew a good bar/restaurant on A1A and A...
... But, sadly, it has now closed.
Me, I'm not... in any way intoxicated, Tue 14 Sep 2010, 18:01,
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