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This is a question Pointless Experiments

Pavlov's Frog writes: I once spent 20 minutes with my eyes closed to see what it was like being blind. I smashed my knee on the kitchen cupboard, and decided I'd be better off deaf as you can still watch television.

(, Thu 24 Jul 2008, 12:00)
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This only really counts as a pointless experiment as I was already well on the way to drunk. I was at a friend's in Harrogate one Friday evening drinking merrily with a group of like-minded chaps, watching movies and sorting out a game of poker.

An aquaintance of mine, Big Ed appeared with his fabled 'Big Bag of DrugsTM'. My friend Matt encouraged me to indulge in some magic mushrooms which Ed grows on his farm. Never having taken them before I decided I was intrigued.
Tea suitably brewed and sipped I sat and waited for the effects. I noticed a rumbling and heavy sensation in my stomach. I was assured this was normal.

I don't know if anyone is familiar with the work of Jan Svankmajer, Czech (I think) surrealist animator and director, but during my imbibing of the tea, a few of his short movies had been playing on the DVD player, making full use of stop-motion effects with plasticene. I decided to roll a cigarette and was incredibly perturbed to find that my hands moved and rippled like the plasticene used in the films and it subsequently took me twenty minutes until I placed completed cigarette in my mouth.

Later, I attempted a hand of poker, and while I was fascinated and delighted by the symbols on the cards I had know idea what they were supposed to represent, or in fact why my friend's seemed to be throwing perfectly good ones away before picking up replacements. Needless to say, I didn't win.

Later still I decided I was hungry and attempted a sausage roll. I took one bite and chewed, and chewed....and chewed...and chewed. My salivary glands were clearly malfunctioning. I could generate no spit whatsoever. I was in a neat-and-tidy state of being by this stage of the evening. Scanning under the table I came across a poly pocket. Pulling this out I decided it would be orderly and efficient to file the sausage roll for further reference. I then placed this back under the table and sat back down, looking smug, to my friends' incredulity.
"Did you just file a fucking sausage roll?"
*prouds* "Yep!" *grin*

Later on I woke up in the recovery position approximately two minutes after sparking out halfway to the loo. Apparently I hit the deck, "like a sack of shit" according to the sage-like Big Ed.

I felt fine in the morning and did enjoy it but that has been (so far) my only experiment with hallucinogens.
(, Sun 27 Jul 2008, 15:20, 7 replies)
I've never been keen on tripping my face off.
But a small amount of mushrooms with the right group of people and you can laugh like a lunatic all night.
(, Sun 27 Jul 2008, 16:07, closed)
I love teh shrooms
But watching Svankmajer! You crazy foo!
(, Sun 27 Jul 2008, 20:51, closed)
Narrowly losing out to watching Finding Nemo at the cinema pilled out my face.

"Heh heh, 3d fish!"
(, Sun 27 Jul 2008, 22:53, closed)
I live there :)
(, Mon 28 Jul 2008, 3:58, closed)
I work there
"A town that is way too pleased with itelf"

/Stuart Maconie
(, Mon 28 Jul 2008, 13:12, closed)
always wanted to try those. I have some fungi growing on my lawn that look a lot like liberty caps but I would not bet my liver on it.
(, Mon 28 Jul 2008, 14:32, closed)
If you are ever in Worcester
I'll provide the um... entertainment as long as B3TA get the video rights [8-)

great post *click*
(, Tue 29 Jul 2008, 21:10, closed)

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