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This is a question B3TA fixes the world

Moon Monkey says: Turn into Jeremy Clarkson for a moment, and tell us about the things that are so obviously wrong with the world, and how they should be fixed. Extra points for ludicrous over-simplification, blatant mis-representation, and humourous knob-gags.

(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:53)
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In fact
most people have a reasonably high threshold for taking offence. They're not actually offended, they just have a vaguely defined sense of decorum which is being challenged. They're complaining about the lack of civility.

If the Sun printed the word 'fuck', they would get complaints. The people complaining for the most part would use the word many times, every day.

The point is, and I agree with them, they just want there to be boundries. If nobody cares what is said or written, or flashed in public, we are losing control.

I don't want to read the word 'fuck' in a newspaper, at least not used casually. I have no problem at all in hearing someone say it though.
(, Tue 27 Sep 2011, 9:13, Reply)

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