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This is a question Will you go out with me?

"Bloody Kraut, a" asks, "How did you get your current flame to go out with you? If they turned you down, how bad was it?"

Was it all romantic? Or were the beer goggles particularly strong that night?

(, Thu 28 Aug 2008, 17:32)
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Ooh, a big one...
It was April 2007 - me and Lee (RIP mate) were in the bar having a few beers having watched a football game earlier. My leg was in a cast so I was waiting for the bar to close so the manager could give me a lift home.

About 10pm a couple of women stagger in, totally pissed up. They got drinks and sat at a table on low stools.

Lee and I noticed them only after they'd BOTH fallen off the stools and were lying on the floor giggling.

I wandered off to the toilet to make room for more beer. As I came out of the toilet, I noticed one of the 2 drunkards was talking to Lee - she scampered off as I came back to the bar.

"She's well into you mate." Lee said, "She wanted to know your number."
I looked over at the drunkards and said, "Well, give her the flirt divert number - I'm not into pissheads."

And so he did.

For the next week, I thought nothing of it, then, the following Friday, I was in the bar again, playing the fruit machine when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and there she was (soberish this time).

We chatted a bit and I found myself drawn to her long dark hair and green eyes. Her smile was like an electric shock - making my heart bang uncontrollably.

Her friends were leaving so I gave her my number - she promised to call.

For the next few days, I waited for the call - it didn't come.

My cast came off my leg, leaving a nasty open wound where the plate had been put into my ankle - this meant I was at the doctors every couple of days getting it cleaned and dressed. On one occasion, I went to the supermarket up the road to get a few bits, and who walked in? yup, it was her. I smiled at her, but just got a confused look back.

Saddened, I finished buying a few things and went back to work.

Couple of days later, I was walking through town, when I heard someone call my name. I turned round to see H running up to me, "I THOUGHT it was you I saw the other day," she said with a huge smile on her face, "I didn't recognise you without your cast..."

We chatted for a bit, then she had to go back to work - I gave her my number again (she'd lost both the flirt divert number AND my real one). This was a Thursday I think.

On the Sunday, I was once again in the bar, having had a mammoth drinking session with a mate who decided at 9pm he'd had enough and was going home - I decided to carry on and proceeded to get absolutely shit-faced.

Coming out of the toilet at about 10.30, I barely had time to register a small, dark haired object running towards me before H literally jumped into my arms and started snogging my face off like there was no tomorrow.

Turns out she'd been out with friends and hadn't stopped talking about me so her friends, pissed off with hearing nothing elses, took her to my local in th ehope we'd get together. We did - that night we sat in the bar drinking Sambuca chasing it with bottled beer, sitting so close it was like we were one. We went from there into town where we drank more and more until both of us could hardly stand.

We ended up back at mine that night - no sexy time, just talking and cuddling - I felt like I was in heaven.

Next day, she got a taxi back to her place and I went to work. Got a text from her mid morning saying how she's enjoyed the night and wanted more of the same (and more of the other *grin*). Texts and calls went back and forth all week - everyone commented on how happy I was looking.

The next weekend I'd sworn to be sober, so I ended up home completely sober until I got a call from her at 1am - could I come to the Priory (a dive in town).

10 minuted later I walked into the place - first time I'd ever been in there sober and I instantly realised it was nothing more than a meat market.

Found H and we started off where we'd left it previously - my mate Lee had pulled her friend, her step sister had some guy so we all decided to go back to hers.

She'd booked a taxi so we waited for that, Lee and his shag buddy had gone off, saying they'd meet us at H's house.

And so it ended up all 3 couples ended up at her place (huge house) and the sounds of frenzied shagging filled the air. Lee was energetically trying his best to push the bed through the wall (so it seemed) with absolutely no rhythm - this made H and me (all cosy in her king size bed) giggle like kids.

The first time we made love/shagged/fucked like monkeys, was awesome - as was every other time.

After a couple of months seeing each other every day, her staying at my place or me at hers most nights, I realised I'd found my soulmate - we talked about everything and were so comfortable around each other.

We went to V Festival and spent the next week travelling round the Peak District - the first holiday I'd had in probably 15 years.

The next 3 weeks we were totally inseperable - I was practically living at her place, only going home to change clothes and goto work. Everyone who knew us commented on how we were like a married couple.

This carried on for over a year, we went to Spain together in June and had the best time ever.

And then, when we returned, she dropped the bombshell: "I think we should just be friends."

My world fell apart - I was gutted.

3 months later, I still hurt. She's my best friend but I have to try to put distance between us in order to get my head straight, but not a day goes by without numerous texts and calls from her. I'm crap at reading signs (don't hint - just tell me), but I'm starting to think maybe I should pluck up the courage to actually ask her out (something neither I nor her did).

And so, to remain (vaguely) on topic - should I ask her out? if so, how the hell should I do it? Waveform festival is coming up, maybe I should get some tickets and see how it goes or am I just heading for another fall?

Life - where's the fecking manual?

Sorry for the length - had to get it off my chest...

and breathe...
(, Thu 4 Sep 2008, 8:34, 6 replies)
Just ask her, ffs.

If she's being ambiguous and seemingly dropping hints, surely your best bet is just to say how you feel.

If the answer isn't the one you want, at least you'll know and you can get on with your life.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2008, 8:54, closed)
I'd have thought
that if you've been on several holidays together and in your words been like a married couple for a year, then asking her out now is a bit like asking for the menu when you've eaten the food...

I take it the last 3 months have been non-sexual ones...

...and that it's doing your head in ?

I would just ask her for a meeting, say that you're prepared to commit, get engaged, whatever so if she pulled the "just friends" line to see if you're prepared for commitment, then the answer is "yes".

However if she genuinely wants friendship now and nothing else, can she please give you some breathing space so you can get used to the new status quo so best if the "friendship" starts in the New Year, and between then and now can you have some peace and space to get your life back together.

"Take my advice - I've no use for it"

Good luck !
(, Thu 4 Sep 2008, 9:05, closed)
Good advice Mordred
Snee: listen to the man/woman
(, Thu 4 Sep 2008, 9:13, closed)
Totally agree,

It's better to know one way or another.

Good luck though!
(, Thu 4 Sep 2008, 10:31, closed)
What the others have said!
Go for it!

* clickyhugs *
(, Thu 4 Sep 2008, 12:27, closed)
stab her in the face


(, Thu 4 Sep 2008, 13:32, closed)

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