Buzzkillington says: "I once worked for Pizza Hut... Whats the the worst thing you've ever done for money?" And while we're here, tell us about greedy people you know. Money or pie, it doesn't matter.
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 14 Apr 2011, 16:30)
I saw one of these over the weekenb.
sabre-tooth monkey, Mon 18 Apr 2011, 12:50,
7 replies)
SigmaX0 Dear Die Hard. You rock!, Mon 18 Apr 2011, 12:53,
What's your qrodlem?
sabre-tooth monkey, Mon 18 Apr 2011, 13:08,
What's all this ranting and raven about
Major Turd for tonight only, Mon 18 Apr 2011, 19:41,
I miss those.
We do get them here, but they're much less common.
Colonel Boris "...a desperate Buzzfeed imitation...", Mon 18 Apr 2011, 12:58,
I didn't
I was working this weekenb just gone
Jeccius Steam Borderlands 2 junkie, Mon 18 Apr 2011, 13:14,
I spent the weekend on a canal boat with a bunch of people dressed as pirates.
The swans taking off were the best bit. They really shouldn't fly.
sabre-tooth monkey, Mon 18 Apr 2011, 13:18,
What's that? An emo duck?
idonthaveafunnynickname Drink-Aware? Sure. I'm aware I want another drink., Mon 18 Apr 2011, 18:10,