It's been a while since we last asked this question and CaptainFellatioNelson's confession that he likes "to fart under the duvet, creep in and see how long I can last only on the fart air contained within" reminded us just how good it was last time.
What are the little things you do for fun when nobody else is around?
( , Thu 13 Mar 2008, 11:48)
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and slightly worse off. Am I the only one who, while finding the award of £24.3 million to his ex absolutely obscene, takes a guilty pleasure in thinking it serves him right?
The whole thing is just tacky beyond belief. £24.3 million for what, about three years of marriage? What, exactly, does anyone need that kind of dosh for? Why did he think she wanted to marry him? Answers on a postcard, please.
Mind you, for that kind of money, I could probably put up with him for a few years....
( , Mon 17 Mar 2008, 14:26, 18 replies)

She's always been a rapacious and devious self-promoter, but I think he's come out of it quite badly. Never liked him anyway (all that thumbs-up, mouth open, "I'm a legend" bollocks) - but he's come across as a bit of a naive, chauvenist and childish tosspot. Problem was, she wasn't a mousy little cipher like Linda, who was happy to rattle the tambourine and pretend she was in the band.
And I've never thought much of the Beatles. Fucking novelty band.
( , Mon 17 Mar 2008, 14:33, closed)

That, Sir 'spencer, is one of the greatest things you've ever written (that bit about the Beatles).
( , Mon 17 Mar 2008, 14:54, closed)

the ruling had contained the bit about confidentiality in it that Macca had originally wanted... case ends..
"yay" cries out heather "ive got £24.3"
"haha, not any more you havent you dumb ass one legged bint" oh how i would have laughed
( , Mon 17 Mar 2008, 15:01, closed)

But whilst I loathe her shameless antics, I loathe The Frog Chorus that little bit more.
And I still don't know what a "pyaaano keyboard" is either.
( , Mon 17 Mar 2008, 15:26, closed)

Well... Id let old Macca chop one of my legs off.
As for deserving anything, personally I think she owes him money for making him a laughing stock and putting people off him, and his music.
( , Mon 17 Mar 2008, 15:27, closed)

Serves him right for playing the Silly Old Man game.
And for writing those bloody awful songs about submarines and walruses (walri?)
( , Mon 17 Mar 2008, 15:43, closed)

The whole thing's a farce... Much dirty laundry has been aired in the public domain to the detriment of dignity. Okay, HMM married the guy and it didn't work out.
The ranting opinionist in me thinks that just because she was married to him for however long, she doesn't deserve a £24.3m meal ticket for the rest of her life - she didn't write songs, sing in a well known foursome or have Liverpudlian landmarks named after her. Personally, IMHO £250k and a country cottage would be about par for the course, but I daresay the £24.3m contains a gagging clause to prevent her publishing her ghost written memoirs a few years down the line. Is Macca so jealous of his own privacy to want to splash the cash that much?
However, there is a third party involved now who's having to grow up with the stigma that was their parents train wreck of a marriage breakup. One hopes that a share of £24.3m gives the child a decent education, access to loving parents, a well balanced outlook on life and dissuades them from selling a "Macca is my Dad" type story to the Slagazines in fifteen years time too.
HMM's legal bills are said to be astronomical. She's currently skint and I daresay won't be seeing all of the £24.3m once the slavering lawyers have had their share. So much pain and painful public loss of dignity could have been so easily avoided.
Let's get over it now, no doubt there will be more outrageous celebrity divorce cases coming to court which will out train-wreck even this three legged farce.
( , Mon 17 Mar 2008, 16:20, closed)

has been pretty negative. I don't have a lot of use for the man. And while £24.3 million sounds huge, he still has more money than a person could spend in a lifetime. He's not going to be in danger of losing his home to foreclosure. I don't really feel that badly for him.
Next time he should just offer some hot woman £2 million to pretend to like him and shag him silly. He could hire a woman a year at that rate and keep himself happy for the rest of his life, and wouldn't have to worry about divorce ever again...
( , Mon 17 Mar 2008, 16:22, closed)

If he promised never to appear on TV again talking about what a legend he is. If he'd died in 1980, he'd have been a legend. Now he's that guy who starred in "Give my Regards to Broad Street" - the worst film ever made - and recorded all that saccharine pap in Wings.
( , Mon 17 Mar 2008, 16:44, closed)

In his defence, I have to add that I met the bloke once during a blurry day of lackey-ing for music 'stars'. He was (unlike so many 'lesser' stars) really quite pleasant, and in the few minutes I spent with him, he came across as a straight-up and generally nice bloke.
That said, I also think his music and that of the Beatles was shite. Obviously a multitude of folk disagree, hence his gigantic mountain of cash.
As said above, he made the classic dirty-old-man mistake of falling for a fit bit of skirt that came on to him and not making her sign a pre-nup. However shite the music that made his fortune, it's his. Not hers. She should be entitled to a modest house and allowance to care for their daughter.
Poor little mite will decide herself in a few years anyway;
"Hmmm, should I be paraded infrromt of the paps for mum to get featured in 'Chatty' or should I fuck her off to go see dad and spazz around in his stately homes / bentleys & rollers / helicopters & private jets????? Decisions decisions."
Edit: For the record, I'm a big, straight, happily married bloke. But I'd seriously consider letting him screw me for a while for that much money! (Make that big, straight, happily married... and a mercenary cunt.)
( , Mon 17 Mar 2008, 17:01, closed)

What is the lowest sum you would shag Paul McCartney for 3 years for?
Me... £250k.
( , Mon 17 Mar 2008, 17:29, closed)

We can easily slag the guy off for The Frog Chorus and Mull Of Fucking Kintyre, however on balance there are so called artists who continue to inflict their dirge on us, make pots of money and not get slagged off.
I ask you, Macca or Westlife? No brainer...
Bedingfield? Hucknall? Missy Elliott? Akon? Even Tim fucking Westwood are all unfortunately still alive while Lennon, Gaye, Morrison and Marley push up daisies.
( , Mon 17 Mar 2008, 17:35, closed)

In honesty, I have little time for either of them, but HMM can fuck right off.
I can't stand her, the money grabbing, attention seeking, wobbly whore. And if I hear one more thing about her 'tragic' accident, I'm going to hurt someone.
The fact is (as told to me by a very reputable source), that HMM walked in to the path of a police motorcycle on its way to an emergency (which later turned out to be a hoax, but that's neither here nor there) while it was on blues and twos. HMM was absolutely blasted out of her face, and ultimately lost her leg, yet has been successful since.
The copper on the bike, however, was paralysed from the neck down. Lost his career, livelihood, everything.
That is why I hate HMM.
( , Mon 17 Mar 2008, 17:41, closed)

How much?
Quite a fucking bit, when you weigh it up. These days a million barely gets you a posh house in most areas of the country, so as I'm (as clearly stated) straight and derive absolutely no pleasure from man-love, it would actually be quite an ordeal for me to get rogered all the time, wouldn't it! £24m would still probably make it worthwhile though - I could buy myself a new sphincter and a huge bottle of mind bleach.
( , Mon 17 Mar 2008, 17:54, closed)

Not really.
Her payout works out at about 700 quid per hour of the relationship.
Now ... 700 quid will get you the services of a very good hooker for an hour, but the very best charge about 1500 per hour these days.
Anyway, I'm with Devil, I have hated the woman long before she knew who Macca was for crippling that poor bike cop by stumbling around the streets pissed and coked off her tits so much she could not hear or see the lights and sirens. And then making a career out of being the "victim" !!!!.
( , Mon 17 Mar 2008, 18:41, closed)

24 million he could do me up the arse and call me Mary.
( , Tue 18 Mar 2008, 6:56, closed)

I never knew that about HMM. I thought she'd lost her leg doing something else. I dont quite know what - maybe I fell for the crap and thought she was trying to help a polar bear or something.
What gets me most is she's constantly harped on about media attention, whilst using the media to do it... and keeps on and on about using this cash settlement to give to her favourite charities.
I could do that. I could use someone elses hard earned cash to give to charity and make myself look good.
That - and the silly cow is going on about how her childs gonna be flying business class because she's ONLY got 35k a year. She really does herself no favours.
( , Tue 18 Mar 2008, 8:55, closed)
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