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This is a question Heckles

Forget the drunk bloke at the back yelling incoherent nonsense. Sometimes a well placed heckle can raise a mediocre act to a brilliant night out.
Tell us your best heckles and, if you are brave, the retorts that put you back in your place like the maggot you are.

(, Thu 6 Apr 2006, 13:13)
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Many Moons Ago.....
I was wasted after clubbing near me on a Saturday night, when i saw Jody Morris (then at Chelsea) trying to give it the big'un to some ladies........

What follows are pieced together from friends....

- I stumble over to the Chelsea midfielder...

- After much effort i get his attention...

- "You're Jody Morris" I slur...

- "Yeah" He replies trying to look big (at 5'4") to my 6'!

- "You played utter shit at the bridge today" I explain in a way only a drunk can say

- Que laffs from everyone and me staggering off!

.....I did meet Frank Sinclair too, but he was a cult legend where i used to sit!!

Blah, blah, length etc!
(, Sat 8 Apr 2006, 18:18, Reply)

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