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This is a question Hypocrisy

Overheard the other day: "I've told you before - stop swearing in front of the kids, for fuck's sake." Your tales of double standards please.

(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 12:21)
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Vegetarians part 186
My bird's friend at school, a vegetarian, bought fish and chips for lunch. My bird queried her choice of food given her "special" diet and was told "a fish is a vegetable".

Cool, we can all be vegetarians and help save the planet, just reclassify animals as vegetables, job done.
(, Fri 20 Feb 2009, 15:51, 14 replies)
it's ok to eat fish
because they don't have any feelings
(, Fri 20 Feb 2009, 15:58, closed)
I've had this line
going round in my head all day.
(, Fri 20 Feb 2009, 16:01, closed)
Fish as Vegetables.
If PETA can reclassify fish as "Sea Kittens" then calling a "Fish" a "Vegetable" seems to follow a similar twisted logical track.

(, Fri 20 Feb 2009, 15:59, closed)
that /\ is disguisting
Its like they're talking to a child.
(, Fri 20 Feb 2009, 16:19, closed)
Yay! I'm going
sea kitten hunting tomorrow!
(, Fri 20 Feb 2009, 16:27, closed)
beaten to it
(, Fri 20 Feb 2009, 16:28, closed)
They're renaming "Fish" to Sea Kittens so that we are less likely to "fish" them?

That's it, I'm going Sea Kittenning this weekend. With a net and some dynamite.
(, Fri 20 Feb 2009, 16:27, closed)
Surely sea kittens
would be young catfish?
(, Fri 20 Feb 2009, 21:34, closed)
Thats pathetic
Absolutely pathetic.
(, Sat 21 Feb 2009, 20:39, closed)
Sounds like
the vegetable is your bird's friend.
(, Fri 20 Feb 2009, 16:09, closed)
^ Ding.
I must say I have to agree. =p
(, Fri 20 Feb 2009, 16:34, closed)
I said it first!
I've always said fish were just animated vegetables...

They are! It's true, it really is...
(, Fri 20 Feb 2009, 16:53, closed)
Vegetarians are killing the planet - soya is the biggest cause of deforestation in the world, mainly due to food fads as people 'save the planet' by going veggie...damn hippies.

mutter mutter mutter
(, Fri 20 Feb 2009, 19:22, closed)
Eat the planet...
...elephants, dolphins, pandas, kittens - makes no difference, eat them all.
(, Sat 21 Feb 2009, 17:06, closed)

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