I'm now the owner of a monster trampoline that's nearly too big for the garden. Tell us your retail disasters and triumphs.
( , Thu 21 May 2009, 11:52)
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Not so much impulse buy as carefully calculated and just waiting for the right moment buy…
The ex missus buggering off with someone else was probably the best thing that could ever happen to me. Didn’t feel like it at the time, but I’m older and wiser and have the love of a good woman to keep me sane. Plus, I probably wouldn't have found this place either. However, at the time, I spent a few months bouncing off the walls and stuff, renting a flat which was a nice flat but which I also hated for some completely illogical reason because really, there was nothing wrong with it.
When she bought me out of my share of our house the first thing I did was put a hefty deposit down on a 2 bedroom house in the town, using some of the spare cash to help furnish it properly. I got fuck all out of the contents of our home together, even the bed, which was mine before we even moved in together. Well, except maybe some odd bits of duplicate crockery and stuff and a nice painting which I ‘liberated’ from the place when she wasn’t in, but apart from that it was a case of starting all over again from scratch. This used up all of the cash pretty quickly.
A few months later, though, her mum died and left me a tidy little sum, which I used partly to pay a chunk off the mortgage (you can tell I was married to an accountant can’t you?), and partly to get some double glazing put in and some new flooring. Sensible bugger, me. Oh yes. This left me with about 3 grand in change...
Hmm. I could put it in an ISA, as a nice little bit of rainy day money. But no. I’m done being sensible, I think I’ve been sensible enough up to that point. OK, put some of it an ISA. Good idea. About a grand; that’ll do. So what to do with the rest?
Hmm again. What had I spent years threatening the ex with in an “Ooh, if I ever had a spare bit of cash, I’d get this” type of way?
Conversations on the subject usually ran thus:
“Over my bloody dead body”.
“I would you know”.
*Jokingly* “I’d leave you if you ever put one of those things inside this house”.
And so, rattling around in a new two bedroom house on my own and with space to fill, I got on the internet, placed an order, and waited. Eight weeks later, this little baby turned up on the doorstep…

So the leaving bit occured before the purchase; I'm not about to quibble over such a minor detail :)
Now I just have to work on Tourette's regarding that Cyberman the company does...
( , Thu 21 May 2009, 14:00, 14 replies)

Am I allowed to touch it? The dalek that is.
( , Thu 21 May 2009, 14:08, closed)

He's still got tinsel on him from Christmas; looks very camp!
( , Thu 21 May 2009, 14:12, closed)

Although you may need to do a few nights down the docks...
( , Thu 21 May 2009, 14:19, closed)

We had some daleks visit our work place, and I got my photo taken next to one - chuffed to bits I was!
Owning one..wowee! Nice one
( , Thu 21 May 2009, 14:55, closed)

I'd buy one but we don't have the room...and she'd kill me.
( , Thu 21 May 2009, 17:02, closed)

I was really disappointed when I found that site years ago to discover that they didn't offer international shipping. It looks like they're investigating the option now, so hopefully it'll be available when I next have a spare few grand.
( , Fri 22 May 2009, 15:47, closed)

Not only would he be fine with me buying one, but he'd probably get his own so we could put them on either side of the door for decoration. I fully expect a K-9 of my own to arrive this birthday.
( , Sun 24 May 2009, 21:14, closed)
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