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Home » Question of the Week » Why I Love/Hate Britain » Post 2110917 | Search
This is a question Why I Love/Hate Britain

This week's been all about the Daily Mail and why people love or hate their country. Tell us one thing you hate about Britain, and one thing about why you love it.

This shouldn't be an excuse for RACISTLOLS, or long lists of things you dislike. Be intelligent, be funny, and be interesting

(, Thu 3 Oct 2013, 13:55)
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the NHS.
That organisation has helped me and so many friends and relatives over the years.
I saw a couple of girls at last week@s demo in Manc with 2 separate placards. One said , thanks NHS you fought for my mum. The other said, now I'm here to fight for you. Fucking great, the NHS. Saved me a few times.
(, Thu 3 Oct 2013, 20:38, 15 replies)
Arguing about how great the NHS is with anecdotal evidence is akin
To an 1980's East German saying how brilliant trebant's are because they've saved him from walking everywhere.

The truth about the NHS is if you're lucky you get adequate care, and when you die Amorous Badger monkeys around with your still warm corpse.
(, Thu 3 Oct 2013, 20:46, closed)
fair comment, but I've always found them a good bunch.
Dunno what the alternative is?
(, Thu 3 Oct 2013, 20:52, closed)
going back to the 1800s
which is good if you've got your own private doctor, but not so good for the rest of us
(, Thu 3 Oct 2013, 21:35, closed)
Alright R*b F********

(, Thu 3 Oct 2013, 23:43, closed)
But you don't need to rely on anecdote since it consistently scores highly in comparative studies with other nations and in efficiency and public perception.

(, Fri 4 Oct 2013, 8:05, closed)
Yeah. But they're not quite as good as the private sector of the US against cancer.
And they gave AB a job so they're clearly bell ends.
(, Fri 4 Oct 2013, 8:07, closed)
Ah now, they tried to sack me for being silly on the internet after someone made a complaint once.
Only they couldn't on the unreasonable grounds of 'don't be so fucking stupid'.
(, Fri 4 Oct 2013, 9:11, closed)
MPs love to trumpet about the NHS being the envy of the world
just before they fuck around with it some more :(
(, Thu 3 Oct 2013, 21:22, closed)
I work in the NHS, that means you love me you big gay

(, Thu 3 Oct 2013, 21:54, closed)
Yeah but if they had the NHS in America
How shit would Breaking Bad have been?
(, Fri 4 Oct 2013, 2:13, closed)
If Americans were entitled to free health care
it would have been called Breaking Bed.
(, Fri 4 Oct 2013, 9:24, closed)
the nhs killed my partner
he was only three days left from retirement. We were going to open a bar in florida together. Now I'm going to take it down the only way I know how: With superior firepower. Some people don't like my maverick ways. But I always get results.
This summer, the only place to be is NHS: Deadly Target 2
(, Fri 4 Oct 2013, 17:57, closed)
I too love the NHS
I was born 10 years after it started, to parents who remembered having to worry about paying the doctor. They are still grateful. I am too, having had a family myself.
(, Fri 4 Oct 2013, 19:42, closed)
The NHS nearly succeeded in killing my wife...
...when they misdiagnosed appendicitis as gastro-enteritis. It took them a week to figure out what was actually wrong. I would say that the problem with the NHS is total lack of consistency. Some staff are absolutely brilliant, others need to be struck off. Which is no doubt a result of political and management tinkering that has left staff with a total inability to use their common sense. So yes I'm glad that it exists and I'd much rather live a country which has a pubic health system than not, but it is far from perfect.
(, Sat 5 Oct 2013, 10:27, closed)

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