Modern Life
Modern life is Rubbish, suggested Damian Allbran of Pulp
He might have had a point. What was better about the good old days, or conversely do you believe the modern world to be the zenith of civilisation?
unknown, Fri 17 Jul 2015, 10:46)
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The modern vagina is a many splendored thing.
I don't miss 80s growlers. I knew a girl who was so hirsute it looked like she had the drummer from The Roots in a thigh lock; and it was muskier than an old sports locker.
Tugnut Ex of this parish, Fri 17 Jul 2015, 15:35,
15 replies)
This to win
Peej, Fri 17 Jul 2015, 15:38,
This might be one of the best things I've ever read.
eViLegion Chief Commissioner of the Scottish Lunacy Board, Fri 17 Jul 2015, 15:40,
And people say poetry is dead.
.Yeti., Fri 17 Jul 2015, 15:46,
I remember when I first saw a trimmed one
It was quite the revelation, the ladies I'd known before had all got the 'full Judith'.
Captain Placid 24/7 ball gags, brownie mix and clown porn, Fri 17 Jul 2015, 16:16,
Is the 'full Judith' a Life of Brian reference?
I think that was the first one I ever set eyes on.
Tugnut Ex of this parish, Fri 17 Jul 2015, 17:45,
Her modesty was upheld by the shag-pile carpet on her mott
Captain Placid 24/7 ball gags, brownie mix and clown porn, Fri 17 Jul 2015, 17:52,
I think the phrase "looked like someone had hit her between the legs with a bag of soot" is my favourite
Michael Ellis contributes nothing, Fri 17 Jul 2015, 19:42,
That is fucking beautiful.
Tugnut Ex of this parish, Fri 17 Jul 2015, 21:59,
Very good
I think my favourite other hirsute lady description related to Nena of '99 Red Balloons' fame, whence her armpits were said to look like, "she had Don King in a headlock".
Snappyuk gets BIGGER with free sample., Fri 17 Jul 2015, 23:05,
"Like looking at Brian May's plughole"... my personal favourite.
Joy Division Oven Gloves Death to false metal, Sat 18 Jul 2015, 10:37,
A fanny like Terry Wait's allotment...
is my fave. Rolf Harris also works nicely in place of Terry.
horsethroat chewing on life's gristle on, Sat 18 Jul 2015, 12:12,
I don't trust men who prefer a shaven haven.
I assume they're all closet paedophiles.
monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV?, Fri 17 Jul 2015, 23:52,
Like the boogieman.
eViLegion Chief Commissioner of the Scottish Lunacy Board, Sat 18 Jul 2015, 12:03,

monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV?, Sun 19 Jul 2015, 7:38,
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