I lived in fear of a Darth Vader-esque school dinner lady who stood me perpetually at the naughty table for refusing to eat mushy peas. An ordeal made worse after I was caught spooning the accursed veg into her wellies. Who, we ask, has wrecked your life?
Thanks to Philly G for the suggestion
( , Thu 29 Apr 2010, 12:01)
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this bitch from hell started off as my brother's nemesis, but became mine. make a cuppa and grab snacks, i think this is going to be a long one.
my brother and i went to different schools. when he was in second year juniors(about 8), he got a new teacher, mrs. allen. she took an instant dislike to my brother, which i can sort of understand as he's a cunt. he never mentioned it at first, but over the course of about 2 months, we noticed a change in him. he became nervous, quick-tempered and utterly obsessed with personal hygiene. he would spend his pocket money on deodorant and body spray, which is more than a bit odd for an 8-year-old.
finally, after catching him scrubbing his hands with wire wool, my mother demanded to know what was wrong. my brother told her that, every morning, his teacher would make him show her his hands. she would then shout, in front of the entire class, that his hands were filthy and he was a dirty boy. she would then make him stand on his chair and tell the other children to blow raspberries at him. he had started scrubbing his hands before school and wearing gloves until he got there, to no avail. there were lots of other little things she did to make his life a misery, but i can't remember them right now.
needless to say, my mum went completely tonto. she stormed up to the school the next morning, dragging my brother behind her and demanded to see both the headmistress and the bitch teacher. after lies, denials and threats of legal action, bitch teacher was told that she was no longer wanted at the school and, after finishing the term, she left.
when the next term started, i began first year juniors in my own school. i, too, got a new teacher. can you guess who it was? of course it was her. the first day, she called the register. as she got to my name, she stopped and asked me if i had a brother. i said i did. i told her his name. i watched the expression on her face change to something quite scary.
now, i'd never met bitch teacher before, so i didn't put two and two together. she, on the other hand, decided that i must suffer. over the next six months, she tore up my homework and told me to do it again because it "looked wrong", gave me detentions for crimes such as having a cough or dropping my pencil, marked my work as wrong when it clearly wasn't, called me a retard(i passed the 16+ exam at the age of 9) on an almost daily basis, told the other children they should call me a retard as "it might motivate her to do something right", accused me of stealing her purse, then refused to apologise when she "found" it in her handbag
and so the list goes on. i never told my mum, as i thought i might get into trouble.
one day, i'd reached my breaking point. after once again calling me up to the front of the class to berate me for spelling something wrong, bitch was most annoyed to be told by a nervous and quavering little smash that it was in fact she that was wrong. "WHAT DID YOU SAY!?" she demanded. i repeated that she was wrong, not my spelling. i told her i'd checked the word in the dictionary, so i knew i was right. this proved too much for her and she slapped me, hard, right across the face.
big mistake, bitch.
within 2 minutes of the slap, the bell rang to signal the end of the school day. i ran outside to where i knew my mother would be waiting. when she saw the angry red handprint across my face, the midden well and truly hit the windmill. she imediately took me inside to see the headmaster, who sent for my teacher. as she walked into the office, my mother took one look at her and yelled "YOU!"
apparently, my headmaster hadn't been told why she'd left her last teaching position, an oversight my mother quickly rectified. when he heard what my mother had to say, despite all the bitch's protestations that we were actually great friends, he told her her days were numbered. he asked my mother if she wanted to press charges, a pretty rare occurence back then. "just get that woman away from my kids," she replied.
the bitch was finally sent packing and all was, once again, right in my little world.
sorry for the length but, if you've stuck around to read this lot, thanks :)
( , Thu 29 Apr 2010, 21:10, 9 replies)

i think my mum wanted to kill her!
( , Thu 29 Apr 2010, 23:52, closed)

( , Thu 29 Apr 2010, 23:55, closed)

she wasn't that old, so she hadn't spent years as a teacher being ground down or anything
( , Fri 30 Apr 2010, 0:18, closed)

in any centre or school that looks after special needs peeps there is always one staff member who is a complete cow and clearly doesn't enjoy dealing with the pupils/students/clients. Why even take the job?
( , Fri 30 Apr 2010, 10:08, closed)

My GF's life (she's and NQT running a SN course for GCSE-age kids) is being made a nightmare by the head of SN teaching, who hasn't given her any of the necessary information. No marking schemes, no syllabus. Nothing.
She only accidentally found out earlier this week that she hadn't taught a whole module when she did some digging on the internet. The work had to be completed, marked, and handed in by close of play today. Luckily, it was just verbal Q&A stuff and all the kids managed to turn up to the one remaining lesson she had with them, which isn't usual since they mostly have "challenging" backgrounds.
( , Fri 30 Apr 2010, 15:26, closed)

After all, what the hell else are you going to do with a liberal arts or english degree?
( , Mon 3 May 2010, 17:50, closed)

Was from the same mould i fear,only in her twenties i think, but a nasty vindictive cow, who lied,shouted,terrorised and physically abused lots of us (just smacking and stuff - but i was only four and a half ffs) who got hers when one of the mums had a 'meeting' with her, during which the teacher was regretably knocked out.
What a change in attitude, when she realised just how much fun being beaten was.
The mum was charged, admitted all, and was a hero!
Convictions now spent.
( , Fri 30 Apr 2010, 7:19, closed)

she was the only bad teacher i had
( , Fri 30 Apr 2010, 20:39, closed)

That's a bit much! I had a Mrs Allen for a teacher as well. But fortunately for me she was lovely (not in a "hot for teacher" kind of way, she was just very good at her job).
( , Fri 30 Apr 2010, 11:18, closed)

all the teachers were lovely, but when this bitch turned up, the entire atmosphere in that school turned sour
( , Fri 30 Apr 2010, 20:40, closed)

On the other hand, I know a few teachers (including my current rather lovely girlfriend, who has potential to be the future Mrs Shiny), and there seem to be a disproportionate number of parents these days who refuse to believe their chip-fuelled, cider-swilling progeny are anything less than special little angels who cannot possibly do wrong.
And are more than happy to physically threaten or even attack teachers who venture to suggest that a firmer hand might be taken with their special little snowflakes.
IOW, the twunt teachers we grew up with have (rightly) been largely weeded out, but the twunt parents seem to have multiplied.
Just sayin'
( , Fri 30 Apr 2010, 15:17, closed)

teachers should have the power to discipline kids, just not in a vindictive or physical way.
( , Fri 30 Apr 2010, 20:41, closed)

Some stories make me react with laughter and sometimes I react with other emotions. You got a reaction (quite negative of course) from me - so well told and you get a click.
( , Sun 2 May 2010, 7:25, closed)

That's a special kind of vindictive right there, I can only imagine your mothers fury at such mistreatment (Indeed, I have an image in my head of the Norse pantheon running from it in sheer terror) ... How long ago was this, if you don't mind my asking?
( , Sun 2 May 2010, 20:49, closed)

it's stuff like this that motivates people to invent things like guns.
I too had a bitch teacher called Allen, but she was a Miss. I was lucky enough not to be on her receiving end but saw the abuse that she gave others. It really makes you wonder why these people become teachers if they hate kids so much.
( , Tue 4 May 2010, 16:40, closed)

it gives them the chance to be utter cunts towards people too young to defend themselves
( , Tue 4 May 2010, 19:01, closed)
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