I lived in fear of a Darth Vader-esque school dinner lady who stood me perpetually at the naughty table for refusing to eat mushy peas. An ordeal made worse after I was caught spooning the accursed veg into her wellies. Who, we ask, has wrecked your life?
Thanks to Philly G for the suggestion
( , Thu 29 Apr 2010, 12:01)
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I have been debating whether to include this, but against all my better judgement, have decided to.
My real nemesis.
Her name is Alice. She is the epitome of the phrase 'vacuous, attention seeking spunk bag', yet seems detemined to haunt me for the rest of my life. Allow me, if you will, to take you back seven or eight years...
Belladonna is at secondary school. Not just any secondary school, but an all-girls one. She likes alternative music, and her sense of style reflects this, along with her everyday demeanour, and her *shock* willingness to learn. This does not sit well with the chavs and dolly birds. Belladonna is bullied. Quite badly. Just as she is about to give up hope, she stumbles across an enclave of like-minded people made up of a few people from her year, a couple from the younger years, and some from the older. This is good. She feels at home. She stops self-harming and enjoys the company of people who don't want her crucified for her non-conformism. She is introduced to Alice, a girl from two years above who shares her taste in music. Everyone gets along, and is happy. Alice, as the loudest (and in retrospect, most obnoxious) of the group, is Queen Bee. This sits well with Belladonna - after all, she and Alice are good friends, yes? Oh. Apparently not. You see, whenever Belladonna goes off somewhere, Alice takes it upon herself to disparage whatever it is that she doesn't like about Belladonna that day, despite complimenting her on it earlier. She doesn't like Belladonna's glasses. Belladonna's new shoes are stupid. Why is Belladonna always reading books? Eventually, Belladonna finds out about this, and is further back than square one would be, wondering why someone who she so (misguidedly) respected would hate her so much. Before, she had always known that her taste in music and clothes would get her bullied, so why is it that someone who shares those tastes would also bully her? Belladonna must be a bad person, she reasons. Depression kicks in again, and she is self-harming more and more, and trying to be needed by anyone who will have her. It is a bad time, and will continue for about a year, before she leaves the school and meets a certain Mr. Anodyne.
Fast forward in time...
So, you might see why I hated Alice at that time. However, you might also think that I should MTFU and stop whinging about what happened in secondary school. Surely a few snide comments aren't enough to elevate her to nemesis status? Well, no. For a couple of years, I'd forgotten about her. I'd regained my self-confidence, and just concentrated on Me and Mr. Anodyne, and getting myself an edu-ma-cation. But then, up she springs, into my life, over and over again.
The first time was when I had met my mum for a few post work/college drinks (she's cool like that). I went out for a smoke, and ran into a person I'd just made friends with a few weeks before - sat next to Alice. He introduces us and explains that they work together, before we point out (through gritted teeth) that we already know each other, and swap the least heart-felt smiles ever seen on humans. I made my way inside, and saw her (through the window) whispering to this person and looking at me. He never spoke to me again, despite the fact that we'd got on ridiculously well.
The second time I saw her was essentially the same. Someone I knew, and was friendly with whenever I saw, worked with her. As soon as Alice saw I knew her, the whispering began, and she never spoke to me properly again.
The third (and final - so far) time came only two weeks ago, when she came into the pub I was working in, with her new boyfriend - who happens to be the son of some of my good friends. Nothing has happened yet, but I had to put up with her screeching attempts to dominate conversation and pointed glares all night.
The thing is, I could have let all this go, but she is, quite literally, one of the most obnoxious people I've ever had the misfortune to meet. She *must* dominate every single conversation she's in, and is the kind of girl (who makes me sick) who must always point out to the guys in the room that she is infact, female. She quotes vacuous publications like Heat magazine (don't ask me how I know, long story) in an attempt to get laughs from people who haven't heard it before, and the thing that galls me most is that she is, without a doubt, one of the stupidest people I've ever met.
And I still don't know what the hell I've ever done in order to make her want to make people hate me. I don't even know what it is she's telling them, because all I ever did at school was listen to her and agree with everything she said because she was older than me and we liked the same music.
Fucking Twatbag.
( , Tue 4 May 2010, 20:31, 19 replies)

I can't even begin to express how much sympathy you have from me for this. I went to an all girls' school too, and far from being the ass-wigglin', titty-jigglin' giggle-fest that may well fuel many a young and spunk-filled fantasy, it was a living hell.
If you're at the bottom of the pile - and, even worse, if you are the bottom of the pile of those who are at the very bottom of the pile - then there's pretty much not much hope for you, eh? :|
I hope this Alice gets some very well-deserved Karmic debt repaid sometime soon; nothing too nasty, but something deliciously poetic.
( , Tue 4 May 2010, 20:58, closed)

Insecurity and jealousy on her part.
There can be only one queen bee, any possible rival must be destroyed
( , Tue 4 May 2010, 20:59, closed)

How can you destroy my world like this?
( , Tue 4 May 2010, 21:35, closed)

Females have caused me a LOT more trouble than males ever have. Males are capable of being clueless. Women are clueless AND bitchy.
Jesus, any more issues and I'd be the sodding Reader's Digest.
( , Tue 4 May 2010, 21:38, closed)

Just sing this IN HER FACE next time you meet:
( , Tue 4 May 2010, 22:22, closed)

Still kinda sad that it did. She seems like such a bitch tho.
( , Tue 4 May 2010, 22:35, closed)

but in a public place with a group of folk singing it at her I reckon she would crumble....
The awful bint.
( , Tue 4 May 2010, 22:46, closed)

and sue her for slander.
First step is to have a solicitor send her a letter telling her to stop it, or else. That usually works well on its own.
You are unlikely to be her only victim. She'll probably have had one or two of those already and will know the drill.
( , Wed 5 May 2010, 7:48, closed)

that the Joneses may be trying to keep up with you?
However, Smash Monkey put it better than I can!
( , Wed 5 May 2010, 9:15, closed)

Next time, just front up. You see her whispering - or even if you don't - just front up to her and say "Right. What's the problem? Really? Got the balls to come out with it, or are you just going to be an ickle-wickle girl for the rest of your life, whispering like you're at primary school and making up fairy stories about the girls you don't like? Hmm? Grow a pair, you silly cow, or wind your fucking neck in."
( , Wed 5 May 2010, 10:05, closed)

( , Wed 5 May 2010, 12:33, closed)

You've been likeable and normal. Please don't beat yourself up about this, she has the problem, not you. I do think though, that there has to come a stage where either you - or you and your bloke have it out with this person and point out that her character defects are becoming tiresome. She is not your nemesis, she is still just a spiteful little girl.
( , Wed 5 May 2010, 10:26, closed)

and also ask the people that you've seen her with who no longer speak to you to tell you what she's been saying about you. You can tell them it's not true (whatever it is), explain your side of the story, they might talk to you again once they realise she's being a cunt.
( , Wed 5 May 2010, 13:07, closed)

But they must be really weak turds if in just one whisper they will change their opinions on a person they liked overnight. Through personal experience I have learnt to never judge people on what other people say.....unless of course they are talking about a banker friend they have ;)
( , Wed 5 May 2010, 14:14, closed)

a nice person. You're on B3ta so that's a good indicator.
Alice seems like a bullying, insecure cow who appears to feel threatened by you, resulting in her needing to cause you harm and trouble.
Step away from the situation and I hope you'll see that she's so filled with negativity that it even infects others (perhaps she's really Mr Smith from the Matrix?) and causes them to think ill of you not for what you say or do to them, but purely out of what she says and does.
Part of me thinks karma will get her, the other part of me thinks the next time you meet a mate who's in her company, just go "hi john/mary/whoever, yeah, I know Alice well. Anyway's, I'll see you again soon and hopefully after I walk off Alice won't spend too long bitching and whining about me - you'll find it's her thing - but I'm sure you'll always remember to judge me on who you think I am, and not on who she thinks I am... ta-ra"
Chin up love, life's too short to be bothered by what nasty people think of you. They just don't count.
( , Wed 5 May 2010, 20:06, closed)
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