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( , Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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90% of the stars in the galaxy are main sequence stars, with most of those being M class red dwarfs. G class stars like the Sun make up but 7.6% of the galaxy. The Earth had to form in exactly the right place for water to develop and then a series of extraordinarily improbable events had to transpire for life to even dig itself out of the mono-cellular primordial ooze followed by a further string of coincidences with odds too long to write down for mammals to become the dominant life form on our little blue marble.
Since then further unbelievably unlikely flukes of timing have occurred to produce the exact sequence of the generations upon untold generations of boning required to create you, an individual with the power to shape the world around him (not her, let's not be silly).
So, given the genuinely mind-blowing amount of sheer chance taking place over billions and billions of years, what are you fucking doing with this unique opportunity, you ungrateful fucking cunt?
( , Wed 4 Mar 2015, 9:26, 66 replies, latest was 10 years ago)

Alt: gazza is dead
( , Wed 4 Mar 2015, 7:44, 6 replies, latest was 10 years ago)

have you ever given a bad review and did you get a response?
alt. Good week/bad week? Mine's been a bit busy. Got (another) date at the weekend.
altalt. What's on your mind?
( , Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:28, 99 replies, latest was 10 years ago)

I was planning on letting him try some in Wagamama when we're in London at Easter. Never been there, is it any good?
Where have you never been (apart from my mum and don't try telling me otherwise cause you're a stinky liar and I'm not listening anyway) ?
Alt: RIP Gazza. Who are you surprised is still alive?
Alt2: First time at Thorpe Park this Saturday, what's worth going on ? (I'm quite sure this also doesn't include my mum)
( , Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:13, 147 replies, latest was 10 years ago)

Kill yourselves.
Alt: camouflage, clear, black or mirror?
( , Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:57, 3 replies, latest was 10 years ago)

Anyone got anything exciting* planned for today?
Alt: what have you tried recently that was better/worse than you expected?
Altalt: I have decided that I need to make peppermint creams, which I haven't done since I was a kid. What other retro things should come back?
* less dull than you normally are
( , Tue 3 Mar 2015, 7:38, 108 replies, latest was 10 years ago)
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