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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Unless I get more surprise costs/expenditures
I'll be going to Japan in August for two weeks of sight-seeing, sake-slamming and slitty-eyed-slut sexing.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 11:35, 3 replies, latest was 13 years ago)
Sounds superb

(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 11:37, Reply)
*aliteration highfives*

(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 11:47, Reply)
Oh Labia-san....you love me long time.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 11:42, Reply)
I'm big in Japan.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 11:45, Reply)
EVERYONE's big in Japan.
They're fucking tiny over there. I'd recommend making yourself thoroughly sick of the Oompa Loompa song before you go, otherwise you'll get yourself stabbed. In the knee.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 12:02, Reply)
I heard that they have sideways fannies

(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 11:44, Reply)
From what I've seen they're all pixelated

(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 11:47, Reply)
Sounds painful

(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 11:49, Reply)

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