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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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It will amaze none of you to learn that the cricket is making me very, very happy
It's two weeks until InFest, which also makes me happy.

I've got a bacon and egg bap with brown sauce on the way, it's Friday, and Ballroom lessons went very well last night.

I shall mostly be insufferable today
(, Fri 12 Aug 2011, 8:50, 4 replies, latest was 13 years ago)
Great, great news.
*kills self*
(, Fri 12 Aug 2011, 8:50, Reply)
Great, great news

(, Fri 12 Aug 2011, 8:51, Reply)
mostly insufferable is a distinct improvement on the usual state of affairs

(, Fri 12 Aug 2011, 8:52, Reply)
Oh, you
*blushes coquetteishly*
(, Fri 12 Aug 2011, 8:52, Reply)
There was a great comment on the Guardian OBO yesterday
where someone said "When is a community leader going to speak out against the massacre perpetrated against the Indian community in Edgbaston today."
(, Fri 12 Aug 2011, 8:53, Reply)
That's excellent. I also enjoyed the chants of "Are you Australia in disguise" reported from the ground yesterday
(, Fri 12 Aug 2011, 8:55, Reply)
excuse me?

(, Fri 12 Aug 2011, 9:01, Reply)
Your country is equally shit at cricket.

(, Fri 12 Aug 2011, 9:02, Reply)
Oh. Yeah. We are kinda.

(, Fri 12 Aug 2011, 9:03, Reply)
What Al said
It's no reflection on Australia as a nation, just their cricketers, which I seem to remember you don't care about.

I was very disappointed by that.
(, Fri 12 Aug 2011, 9:03, Reply)
You prefer the 'pink OBOe' I heard.

(, Fri 12 Aug 2011, 8:55, Reply)

(, Fri 12 Aug 2011, 8:56, Reply)
That's all well and good but will your egg be dippy?

(, Fri 12 Aug 2011, 9:03, Reply)
If it's not, send it back.

(, Fri 12 Aug 2011, 9:52, Reply)

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