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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Oh my dear lord all mighty I took my morphine as usual this morning and I feel like I've taken like a billion times more than what I normally take.
It's like I've just gotten out the bath, a bath I have managed to get out for 5 hours, and then it took me another hour to get me out of the bath. And my Ma' is waiting for me with a towel that has been on the radiator, and she's hugging me dry. And then coming downstairs at 8 (past bed time) to find that a new Deep Space 9 is on, and there is a huge mountain of a plate with mashed potato and fried egg and baked beens and fish fingers. And Dad just got home late from work and he's had the monthly delivery in so his car boot is filled with huge boxes as big as I am to make bases.
(, Fri 12 Aug 2011, 9:29, 4 replies, latest was 13 years ago)
Even for you Gonz O_o

(, Fri 12 Aug 2011, 9:30, Reply)
Errrm, Gonz, is TGB in the flat to look after you?

(, Fri 12 Aug 2011, 9:34, Reply)
Nah', but I'm fine, I've taken opiets all my life, it's just that it's really hit my strong this morning because of the new stuff.
Almost like it's the first time I've taken them, but I know what to expect and all that.
(, Fri 12 Aug 2011, 9:40, Reply)

(, Fri 12 Aug 2011, 9:37, Reply)
Dude its improved your spelling
That's not a dig, just an observation. Can I have some?
(, Fri 12 Aug 2011, 9:44, Reply)

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