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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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I had a lovely time thanks!

(, Sun 2 Oct 2011, 15:13, 1 reply, 13 years ago)
Glad to hear it
I was most annoyed I couldn't make it, but by the time I felt better I'd missed my train
(, Sun 2 Oct 2011, 15:14, Reply)
Fingers crossed you're in better health when the next one comes around.

(, Sun 2 Oct 2011, 15:17, Reply)
Agree with this!

(, Sun 2 Oct 2011, 15:23, Reply)
Did Monty disgrace himself in any way, shape or form last night?
Please say yes.
(, Sun 2 Oct 2011, 15:24, Reply)
He shouted and spat a long, coke-addled story about something to do with 1983, the Bronx and a £9 sandwich,
but then I escaped before any real wrongs took place.
(, Sun 2 Oct 2011, 15:27, Reply)
I heard you left early.
Did in mention that the Sisters tickets arrived? I'm very excited.
(, Sun 2 Oct 2011, 15:28, Reply)
Yeh, I didn't stay until the end.
Better to leave believing everyone's a cunt but before they have the chance to prove it.
You mentioned it, yes. Erm, I sent the money up at Blousey's Bash, didn't I?
(, Sun 2 Oct 2011, 15:30, Reply)
Yes, you did.
Need to arrange something al for before the gig as he wants to meet up for a pint.
(, Sun 2 Oct 2011, 15:32, Reply)
I'll sort something out...for the Saturday night?

(, Sun 2 Oct 2011, 15:33, Reply)
I think he said the Sunday, before the gig.
I believe he's at a two day wedding thing that weekend and won't be back until then.
(, Sun 2 Oct 2011, 15:34, Reply)
OK. What time are you going to come down on Saturday?

(, Sun 2 Oct 2011, 15:36, Reply)
Train gets in about 2:45 I think.

(, Sun 2 Oct 2011, 15:40, Reply)
Next time I'm handing out the amyiltriptaline, they can use their coats as pillows and just fall asleep in a corner without bothering people who have a concept of personal space.

(, Sun 2 Oct 2011, 16:36, Reply)
He played awsome music.
I was most impressed.
(, Sun 2 Oct 2011, 15:28, Reply)
his dancing was a sight to behold
I shouldn't really comment, though...
(, Sun 2 Oct 2011, 15:36, Reply)

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