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If it's Women's day
does that mean all womens get cake and stuff from the menfolk? Because I'm still waiting...

alt. Bacon butties: excellent, delicious, what I'm having for tea. Why are you so baconbuttyist, CQ?

Hedgehogs are proper cute, discuss
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 17:39, 103 replies, latest was 13 years ago)
Gyppos eat them.
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 17:42, Reply)
Just to clarify, I mean they eat hedgehogs.

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 17:42, Reply)
I thought you meant bacon butties
I was going to have you sectioned
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 17:43, Reply)
Fuck no.
They're too busy eating hedgehogs for that. They wrap them in clay and bake them, then when they crack the clay open, the spines remain in the clay.

Industrious little tinkers, they are. What with that and the horse theiving.
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 17:45, Reply)
+inbreeding + burgling + car stealing + tarmacing + bare knuckle boxing

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 17:53, Reply)
CHrist batts, did a gypo rape you mum or summat?
You seem to have some proper hate going on.
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 17:54, Reply)
he hates everyone
who isn't him
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 17:57, Reply)
Not quite everyone, but close.

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 17:59, Reply)
I have a real hatred of them. Genuinely.

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 17:59, Reply)
I had noticed.
Hence my query as to who in you family had been violated by one. YOu alright mate?
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 18:05, Reply)
Not bad thanks.
Up in Widnes yesterday, started work at 7.30am, finished at 23.55. Stayed the night, first meeting this morning was at 7am (setting objectives for one of my direct reports). Currently on train home, flitting between working and skiving on here.
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 18:08, Reply)
Sounds shit to me
But at least you're working
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 18:12, Reply)
I am enjoying it. There's a set of strategic problems to fix which is just my thing and I have a good team.
Yesterday was a bit of an exception hours wise - normally I do an 11 or 12 hour day, plus an hour or so on a Sunday to prepare for the week.
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 18:14, Reply)
As long as you're happy.
I'm just glum because I'm stuck at home for a couple more weeks.
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 18:16, Reply)
Great opportunity to read a lot though it that's your sort of thing.

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 18:18, Reply)
Yeah, can't find the will.
dunno why, probably depressionlols
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 18:19, Reply)
I like your name change. Metal in your skeleton is cool.
I have two 20cm titanium rods and six titanium bolts in my S1, L2 and L3 vertebrae
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 18:22, Reply)
I'm getting a plate in my shoulder
should get a cool scar too.
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 18:24, Reply)
It'll be cool once it's stopped itching.

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 18:36, Reply)
I wonder what heghog tastes like...

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 17:54, Reply)
was thinking the same thing
sounds interesting
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 17:54, Reply)
I voluteer you to be guineepig
Happy beeing-a-woman day BTW
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 17:55, Reply)
yay! you're the first one who remembered

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 17:56, Reply)
Do I get a biscuit?

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 18:02, Reply)
no, but I won't throw pots and pans at you
or whatever it is us angry women are meant to do.
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 18:05, Reply)
Like you could find pots and pans.
or muster the strength to throw the microwave at me.
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 18:12, Reply)
hey! I found a frying pan just now
and I've been taking microwave throwing lessons
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 18:15, Reply)
OK, aim about south east
and throw hard.
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 18:16, Reply)

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 17:55, Reply)
Have you caught, killed and eaten an urban fox yet?
Thought it may have occurred to you given your domestic budget constraints
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 17:58, Reply)
they probably taste of chips
I've ofetn wondered if the seagulls round here would taste of fish and chips
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 17:59, Reply)

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 20:33, Reply)
I gave them a fair shot, but they just didn't live up to either the hype, or my memory of them. I reckon it's one of those things like beer the you only think you like because you have it all the time.
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 17:47, Reply)
Or that wine that tasted amazing on the terrace in Skiathos
that magically transforms into a repulsive Retsina when you open another bottle of it in Wigan.
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 17:49, Reply)
Yeah, could be that too
I'm not fussed, happy to go on being kinda vegi
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 17:52, Reply)
As a child I only ate meat a couple of times a week, quite often.
We had a gigantic veg patch and fruit cage, as well as pear and apple trees - seriously it was enormous - so we ate fresh (free) food from there a lot.
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 17:54, Reply)
sounds a much healthier balance.
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 17:56, Reply)
wait, are you just that CQ bloke with a different name?
Oh great, maybe I will have to ignore you after all
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 17:53, Reply)
that was mean, sorry eddie
I just read the top QOTW answer in your profile, and if I was a girl right now I'd be ovulating for you

Even if you are CQ
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 17:59, Reply)
And I thought you liked me for me, yes I am CQ, but you can call me "dad"
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 18:07, Reply)
just ate bacon butty, it was delicious. Want beer now
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 18:04, Reply)
found beer in cupboard! I should have more parties
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 18:07, Reply)
I've often ended up with more beer after parties than before.
I wonder if it's possible to run parties at a net profit.
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 18:14, Reply)
especially if your friends all assume you will be crap and thus bring food and stuff and leave it
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 18:16, Reply)
Ahh, I guess that might work nbetter for you than me.

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 18:20, Reply)
i got a bottle of wine from a men today
alt dont know what they are but id like some bacons
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 17:48, Reply)
It's just a sandwich, K.
It's a northern name for a sarnie.
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 17:49, Reply)

northern name label placed on a type of food by inbred simian faced fuckwits who smell of whippets.
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 17:52, Reply)

label placed on a type of food by inbred simian faced fuckwits who smell of whippets proper name
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 17:55, Reply)
Show us yer tits

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 18:16, Reply)
( . )( . )

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 18:16, Reply)

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 18:18, Reply)
I reckon they're more like spaniel's ears than that.

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 18:20, Reply)
I don't know how to do those in text

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 18:21, Reply)

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 18:35, Reply)

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 18:38, Reply)
you must be so proud

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 18:44, Reply)


(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 20:09, Reply)
Ahahahahahha, it's gone from being someone shitting on someone's head to it being a mid-torso of a women.

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 20:10, Reply)
what's up with the skinny arms

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 20:35, Reply)
My friend just linked me to a band who
just do songs about dr who. They have 2 albums. Really. I'd have stopped after 1
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 18:47, Reply)
Do they get a different front man
Every few years and are the band known as assistants?
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 18:59, Reply)
that would be cool
for a certain measure of cool
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 19:01, Reply)
I wonder if they
Play venues that are deceptively large.
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 19:04, Reply)
Oh Jeff.

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 19:06, Reply)
Every member of that band are virgins.
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 19:11, Reply)
Alright Barrington?

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 19:12, Reply)
I wanted to like that
but they are no Warp 11.
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 19:11, Reply)

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 19:00, Reply)

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 19:02, Reply)

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 19:03, Reply)
Very well thanks.
Dow's is half price in Tesco again. I've raped and pillaged the remaining stock in the one by me, and am a bottle down already.
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 19:11, Reply)
You into whisky?

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 19:14, Reply)
No, nada, nae chance.
Can't stand the stuff.
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 19:20, Reply)
Have you seen that Sasha is playing in Leeds next month?
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 19:25, Reply)
I've made an amazing BBQ sauce out of
Chili, Garlic, Oyster Sauce, 5 Spice, Unami, Tomarto Paste, pineapple + juice, orange juice, JD, paprika, honey, appricot jam, sundried tomartos.

It was perfect 'till the point I added the JD in (half way), the rest was disaster control, finishing off with a 7.5/10 rating.
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 20:08, Reply)
Will you have to have a BBQ to test it out?

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 20:18, Reply)
I don't even own a suitable place to BBQ anymore =(

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 20:26, Reply)
I should get my better half a cake then
also it should be hedgehog shaped (Cadbury's fingers for spikes perhaps?)
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 20:17, Reply)
one of my students
made a handpuppet from a chocolate finger box in tutorial today. Then he made it a cock from a chocolate finger.

That's your future right there, Britain.

(OK, so I had to try not to lol)
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 20:20, Reply)
As long as he remembered three pubes per ball
we are in safe hands
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 20:22, Reply)
there were no pubes
as far as I am aware. depending on the health precautions taken by cadbury's
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 20:28, Reply)
did you eat the cock?

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 20:29, Reply)
I had to look away as another student did
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 20:33, Reply)
gettin old...

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 20:33, Reply)
i was trying not to laugh
and get them to do the things they were meant to
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 20:34, Reply)
and responsible
*shakes head*
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 20:38, Reply)
my new plan is to convince
them that solar flares are a type of trouser from the 60s which were a fashion reaction to moon jeans in the 50s
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 20:40, Reply)
Good luck.

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 20:59, Reply)
Look at this trailer for "we bought a zoo", it's about a guy who buys a house and it turns out to be a zoo.

How the HELL is that "based on a true story" ? I don't believe someone can walk into a house to buy it, hear a lion, and then discover it's a zoo.
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 20:25, Reply)
There was a book of it in the biography section
when I worked in a bookshoip
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 20:29, Reply)
I don't think they bought it by mistake in that one

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 20:30, Reply)
Oh, and indeed, dear.

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 20:32, Reply)
If ther eis one thing I have learnt from Hollywood
it's that about now I am due my 'Big Story', with moving music and dramatic moments and heartfelt speeches. Any day now.
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 20:34, Reply)
And Matt Damon

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 20:39, Reply)
Hands up right now who just read that as "maaaaaaaaat Daaaaaaaaaamon", weather they liked Team America or not.

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 20:47, Reply)

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 20:49, Reply)

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 20:49, Reply)
*raises hand*

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 21:00, Reply)
Alt I had a bacon AND sausage butty on my way home from work this morning.
What do I win?
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 20:38, Reply)
it's a retrospective prize
I have gone back in time and given you a bacon and sausage butty on the way home earlier today
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 20:39, Reply)
Heart disease

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 20:40, Reply)
What you fucking health nazis don't seem to realise is that the human body is genetically pre-determined to eventually fail.
(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 20:44, Reply)

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