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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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*Old fart alert*
Following on from several links board threads regarding 'Celebrity DJs' and my general 'Meh' or 'WTF'ness about them - could someone please explain to me the talent that these people have? As far as I can see they have a certain sense of rhythm and... well that's about it. They play other peole's music in a different order and mix like-keyed and time-signatured stuff together. If anyone can explain this phenomenon to me I'd appreciate it.

Alt: I dunno - plans for your evening meal?
(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 16:43, 67 replies, latest was 13 years ago)
Some of them manage to turn a poor song to a half decent one, David Guetta's take on 'Sweat' by Snoop Dogg was rather good
Aside from that, they're mostly a waste of time.

Alt: None for tonight, just going to see what's in the freezer. Making a BBQ pork sauce of some sort tomorrow night, not sure yet though.
(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 16:46, Reply)
CARL COX IS IN DA HOUSE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 16:48, Reply)

(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 16:54, Reply)
i learned a levitating card trick at the weekend
was dead pleased with myself
(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:03, Reply)
It really depends
98% of DJ's are Shitehawks but a good one can moderate the feeling within a club. You could relate how a good conductor can change the way an Orchestra plays.
(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 16:50, Reply)
There's a number of DJ's who play a number of different styles on a variety of different mediums to create a whole new experience
You seem to be likening it to changing the playing order on 'Now that's what I call music 16' which is a spastic thing to do
(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 16:52, Reply)
'Celebrity DJs' are gash.
Even the otherwise-entertaining Howard Marks is a fucking sham. Someone else mixes his records whilst he stands there.

Anyone who’s had to endure a shite DJ will tell you that there’s an art to DJing which is not such an easy skill to master. Not even considering technical DJing (or ‘turntablism’)* which can be terrifying in its complexity and easily as skilful as playing a ‘proper instrument’ (it’s like being able to play guitar left and right handed – alternately, switching between them constantly, only a great deal more sensitively than you need to play a guitar), even the ability to select a progression of records throughout a set that works well, is harder than it seems. This must be true as so few people are any good at it. Having witnessed Andrew Weatherall play six-hour sets working through several genres without any noticeable join, I can tell you that when it is done well it can be awe-inspiring.

Hope this helps

*PS to really appreciate how difficult that shit is, you need to have tried it. People like Mixmaster Mike or QBert have a dexterity and musical intuition that is properly jaw-dropping.
(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 16:53, Reply)
Why did I bother to compose this detailed reply?

(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:18, Reply)
Because you care.
I thought you did a good job at your birthday bash BTW. sadly for you I am in a minority.
(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:19, Reply)
Hahaha ah well. Thanks

(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:27, Reply)
I concur
it's not like you're not aware of where you're posting it.
(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:20, Reply)
Interesting reply!
I can understand the 'running the crowd' and 'making the ambience' in a club setting -however, I can't see the celebrity bit.
(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:39, Reply)
It's identical to 'celebrity musicians'.
The most famous performers are frequently of v limited technical ability aren't they? As with most artforms the most commercially successful exponents seldom deserve it...
(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 18:02, Reply)
I've got a couple of nice sausages
but I might buy a chicken and roast it for sandwiches and rissoto and stuff.
(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 16:55, Reply)
I've not heard his stuff.

(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 16:56, Reply)
Tasty beats

(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 16:57, Reply)
Better than those dirty ones Noel used to go an about.

(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 16:58, Reply)
No fucking way
she was on my list for a celebrity wife.
(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 16:58, Reply)
you jsut got trolled by the BBC

(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:00, Reply)

(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:01, Reply)

(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:03, Reply)
Bugger me! They kept that out of the media.
They're well suited, though, surely? Both as posh as fuck.
(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:01, Reply)
I was planning for her to keep me in nice food and beer with her poker money
:'((( another one bites the dust.
(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:03, Reply)
so who's left on the list?

(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:06, Reply)
The entire female cast of Firefly

(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:08, Reply)
90% of the Female cast of BSG

(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:08, Reply)
7 of 9 and Starbuck

(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:08, Reply)
I can see the deal with 7 of 9
(she's one of mr b3th's little foibles) but Starbuck??? Seriously?
She's too annoying to be attractive.
(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:10, Reply)
She gets better from like series 3
and she's hot in 24
(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:11, Reply)
I thought she was *more* annoying in season 4

(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:11, Reply)
Don't ask me, it's Chompy's list.
Mine consists of Uhuru, Janeway, the chink off BSG and the Orion slave girl off that episode of Enterprise.
(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:12, Reply)
I used to like Charlieze Theron until I heard she had 7 dogs.
Thats mental.
(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:10, Reply)
Oh, that's her off my desktop slideshow, then.
(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:14, Reply)
Same as Charlie Brooker and Konnie Huq, really.

(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:07, Reply)
well, except he's very left wing and she's fairly Tory,
but that's probably no barrier.
(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:16, Reply)
Oh, I'd heard a rumour they were together.
Good for him, he's punching well above his weight there.
(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:04, Reply)
i bet theres some crazy shit goes on in their bedroom

(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:05, Reply)
Being witty gets you a few rungs up the ladder.

(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:06, Reply)
Most of you are ; )

(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:06, Reply)
That is demonstrably not true.

(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:07, Reply)
Are you calling your missus a minger?
wait, do you have a missus? If not, did you dump her for being a minger?
(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:08, Reply)
Nope, I am single.
I am going to pretend that having tremendous reserves of chauvinism have nothing to do with it.

No, she wasn't a minger. Far from it.
(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:09, Reply)
I really am and I am very pleased about it.

(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:21, Reply)
I'm probably punching just a tiny bit above
but not so far as to be constantly worried about it.
(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:25, Reply)
i think spinderella was totally underrated

(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:02, Reply)
She's not a fella.

(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:05, Reply)
im just joshing monty
I dont actually care=)
(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:13, Reply)
That was one of their songs
'Spinderella's not a fella'.

(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:14, Reply)
These obscure musical reference gags
just get more and more popular, don't they?
(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:15, Reply)
They sure do!!!!

(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:15, Reply)
Strike lolz

(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:27, Reply)
Hahahha that record was made by a mate of mine.
He made a fortune on it and spent it making *slightly* more credible records as The Freestylers.
(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:30, Reply)
You know, I could have sworn Freestylers were Scandies, or Dutch, or something.

(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:32, Reply)
Nope, Matt Cantor is from West Hampstead.
You're thinking of a terrible dance tune called ‘Freestyler’ which was indeed by Scandies or Germans or summat.
(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:34, Reply)
Bomfunk MCs
They're Finns. More great music from the European powerhouse of quality dance.
(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:36, Reply)

(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:38, Reply)
Always used to hear "rocking like a phone"
That's in my head now. Thanks, Monty. Thonty.
(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:44, Reply)
I'm here to help.

*rocks like a phone*
(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 18:03, Reply)
Afternoon link
(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:18, Reply)
That's very funny.

(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:37, Reply)
Haha, flat statement sounds insincere.
I can imagine you saying that with a completely straight face.
(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:41, Reply)
Crow was sitting next to me and laughed very loudly in my ear for about 10 seconds.
HE certainly enjoyed it.
(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:43, Reply)
Ahhh, that makes so much sense.
The implied disapproval in your post comes from braying posh boy laughter giving you tinitis.
(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:48, Reply)
"I do not bray!"

(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:48, Reply)
I'll take the pistol on the left.
He can have the first shot.
(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:50, Reply)
Oh, very decent of you
Doubtless you've "Scotty" waiting to "beam you up" and out of harm's way before I've had a chance to cock the hammer.
(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:55, Reply)

(, Tue 20 Mar 2012, 17:56, Reply)

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