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he's autistic.

(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 9:24, 1 reply, 12 years ago)
The nhs won't be any good,
but are there not decent special needs schools and stuff? I've a friend who is a carer, and says that they can be very hit and miss.
(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 9:24, Reply)
his school is alright but still not great.
he's 9 now, me and the missus are his carers and he's a cracking kid.
(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 9:25, Reply)
Is he any good at the casino?

(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 9:26, Reply)
No, but he's an excellent driver.

(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 9:27, Reply)

(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 9:27, Reply)
I thought the documentary 'Rain Man' explained autism to me pretty well.

(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 9:29, Reply)
a WHOLE documentary? christ, you should write a book about austism!!!

(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 9:31, Reply)
I've edited my post for clarity.

(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 9:33, Reply)
yes, I got the joke first time around.

(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 9:34, Reply)
Can you explain it to me?

(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 9:37, Reply)

(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 9:38, Reply)
He's already recorded an album about it

(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 9:35, Reply)
He sewed a tapestry to illustrate how it made his soul feel

(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 9:40, Reply)
I bet he's a smashing little fella.
(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 9:28, Reply)
he's fucking well annoying at times.
it amuses me when people talk about folk being autistic here cause my son isn't a complete humourless wanker like these pricks are. he likes a proper lol.
(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 9:30, Reply)
I'm pretty ignorant of it all really,
I understand there is a spectrum, and some kids can do alright, with the right help and support, but also that some are lost causes. There was that Louis Theroux thing where he came across as a prick as always, but was interesting to see how different kids and parents deal with what is a seriously tough mental issue.
(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 9:34, Reply)
It's hard going really, folks do their best but I really feel sorry for some kids.
could you imagine monty boyce or battered with an autistic kid? sadtimes :(
(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 9:38, Reply)
Luckily, my genes aren't faulty so it's not something we need to worry about.

(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 9:40, Reply)

(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 9:40, Reply)
hard to tell, innit.

(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 9:42, Reply)
so you're a fuck up without anything to blame?
sadtimes :(
(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 9:42, Reply)
That's entirely true, sadly,
I had the best possible start in life. I have no excuse whatsoever for being this shit :(
(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 9:44, Reply)
I heard they were pretty threadbare

(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 9:42, Reply)
I try extremely hard to be a good parent.
I probably still get it wrong though :(
(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 9:46, Reply)

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